Ch.8 Return

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*3rd POV*

The group was on their way to the capital to deliver the news about the death of a hero. No one spoke but Ayda, she was whispering an elven prayer as he held Shane's sword, her tears still going down her face. She turned and watched the horizon as the sun was beginning to set,"my Shane loved the ocean...I never knew that now but, I can finally see why." She let out shaky breaths trying not to cry again. Lance stepped up, "Johnny loved the beach, we'd all hang out there even after the sun set." he thought as Eve and Ace walked up next to him,"Ayda?" The princess asked,"would you like to sit here and watch the sun set?" Ayda nodded and sat down on the edge of a small cliff, she sat there holding onto the sword, the last thing she has of her husband. Lance and the others sat there as well, shedding tears at the memory of their fallen friend. Lance smiled as he remembered something that Johny had told them before they all got sucked into the game. "Guys, if I'm the first one in our group to kick the bucket... promise me you'll sing that song from lord of the rings. The one Pippin sings. I'd be happy to hear it on my way up to the big man above." Lance had tears rolling down his cheeks with a smile on his face, he shook his head and looked at the others, he knew that had the same thought,

Eve: Home is behind...the world ahead
Lance: And there are many paths to tread,through the edge of night
Ace:Until the stars are all alight

Ayda and the others watched as the company sang in memory of their friend.

Lance: Mist and shadow
Ace: Cloud and shade
Eve:All shall fade
All shall...
None of them could finish the song and held each other, their families walked over to hold onto them as well.
Shane: Fade...

Everyone looked up and turned slowly to a man holding his side,"hey guys...I'm still here. Heh..." Everyone got up and ran to him,"Shane!!!!" They all shouted, "MY LOVE!!" Ayda shouted, she covered him with kisses barely letting him breathe,"I...I thought I lost you!" She cried holding on to his face. He held her's with his free hand and gave her back the necklace he took. "I told I'd come back with this." She smiled and kissed his lips deeply and passionately,"never do something stupid like that again, promise me." He smiled. "I promise." They kiss again. Ace hugged him,"AH! TOO TIGHT!!" He let him go,"ah! sorry, sorry!" They laughed,"so tell is what happened." Lance said,"yeah tell us." Eve said jumping up and down,"ok ok. Sit down and let me tell you the tale of how I survived.

*Shane POV* (around a few hours ago)

After I had stabbed the heart of the dragon I jumped across back to the entrance I had made and held on tight as the dragon rocked like crazy and roared again it threw me off and knocked the sword out of my hand,"NO!" Once the beast exploded it launched my sword a huge distance, and sent me down to the ice cold mountains. First I landed on my back, and continued to fall down the mountain's slope,"ow, ow, ow fuck, ow, fucking ah! Ah fuck fucking cock ah! Fuck ow ah God ow Fuck!" I then hit my head against a big rock and was knocked out. Everything went black, it felt like hours but it was around a good 20-30 minutes. I dusted off the snow covering my body,"C-cold... Ayda...." I crawled on my hands and knees and suddenly felt something,"her...her necklace..." I held it in my hands and kissed it, "I made a promise...I intend to keep it." I tried to get up but fell to my knees. "You wish to go back?" I heard someone say. I looked around and could barely see what looked like a man. "yes..." I said weakly,"then I shall take you home." I felt a sudden burst of wind and I looked up to see, another dragon.

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