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this is so bad idek where it's going I liked the first chapter but it's progressively getting worse. also I write most of this stuff at 2 am 🤧


"woah!" the mysterious boy laughed. "be careful there, sleeping beauty. could've hurt yourself."

iris stared at his face for a second, before everything went blurry and she fell back into his arms.

"geez, are you alright? how much did you drink?"

iris blinked her eyes a few times before softly replying. "i'm okay."

"alright, well, the party is almost over. everyone's going home, you should too."

"i... i don't..." iris tried to remember what talia had said to her earlier. she probably already left with a boy, maybe she's busy getting drunk and messing around. iris wouldn't be surprised, and she knew she wouldn't want to try and stop her. "i can't drive."

now more than ever iris was regretting getting so drunk. she can't handle even a little alcohol, she should've know what this much would do to her. what was she thinking?

she remembered what jaeden said and frantically looked around the room, but he was nowhere to be found.

"have you... uh.. seen Jaeden? uh, jaeden lieberher, i mean." iris cursed herself for stuttering so much.

"he left an hour ago with that Lilia girl. i... i could drive you home, if that's alright with you. i swear i'm not some serial killer or anything."

iris laughed a little at his response. "that'd be great."

the curly haired boy wrapped his arm around iris and walked her out the the car.

"3120 greenwood st." was the last thing she said before falling sound asleep in his car. (ok look don't attack me idk if that's a real street I just made it up)

and it was in her 5 lousy minutes of restful dreaming that she realized the boy who had been helping her was finn wolfhard, the boy so many people had suggested she's good enough for. and with that, she regretted everything that had happened that night, and she wished she could stay asleep in that car forever and never wake up.

she awoke to finn lightly tapping her shoulder. "hey. we're here. you're home. go get some rest." iris admires his soft voice for a second before stepping out of the car.

"it's iris." she said. "iris apatow."

finn smiled. "finn wolfhard, pleasure to meet you."

and with that, iris shut the door and walked dizzily into her home.


she awoke the next morning with 18 missed calls from talia.

shit shit shit shit shit

she couldn't remember exactly what had happened the previous night, but she knew immediately to call talia back.

she answered almost as soon as iris had dialed the number. "iris! iris! holy fuck! why didn't you call me back? god, i was so worried, i was about to call the police i swear iris never scare me like that again! where did you even go? are you home? you better fucking be home iris apatow-"

iris groaned. "talia, i'm alright. don't worry. i got home safe, i'm just really tired."

"how? did someone drive you home? iris you better not have let some random dude drive you home! you should've got me oh my god!"

"look, i was really drunk. i could barely walk. and it wasn't some random dude. it was finn wolfhard."

iris could hear talia's surprise through the phone. "what? no way! is that a thing now, you and finn wolfhard?"

she laughed. "no, talia. he drove me home from one party. it's not that big of a deal."

talia basically yelled into the phone. " 'it's not that big of a deal' my ASS iris it is most definitely a big deal. that was THE finn wolfhard. he's gorgeous, oh lord. did you get his number? or anything?"

"he knows my name."

"ugh, whatever. we will talk about this later. i'll be over in 10."

"talia-" iris tried to stop her, but she hung up the phone before she could speak.

maybe it wasn't so bad, after all. what had happened last night. maybe it was the start of something new for iris. and geez, with a face like that, iris didn't have a problem with a little excitement.


ok look i know this is terrible also sorry for not updating at all today omfg i've been asleep but i swear it's gonna pick up soon (that's a lie I have no idea where this is going) lol xoxo

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