A/N I fucked up bad

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Hey guys I know most people hate authors notes but this is just basicly telling you what I did earlier. And by the title you know I fucked up.
So at school we were outside and I was sitting in a corner on the wall cause I have no friends and three girls who will go un named decided to annoy me by kicking the wall above my head. I ignored it for a bit but them I just go really pissed off and may or may not have threatened them with a rusty screw. I have really bad anger and usually when something happens I bottle it up inside and slowly my fuse shrinks and today was one of those days. I call it bottle up then fuck up. And when that happens you better get the fuck outta there because I get really aggressive. Either I will take it out on a wall or a person. Long story short the resource officer was called and I might get charged. I was sent home for the day. And I kept telling myself that I was a fuck up and I am. So if I don't update that's why.
So I'm not getting charged but I was suspended for 4 days and I might be moving schools in the new year. I don't know yet because that's up to my mom

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