How Things Got All Screwed Up

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(Your Pov-)

In the middle of the film, I fell asleep with the blanket over me. In every scary part, I would jump and popcorn would lay on mine and Tom's hair.

I woke up slowly on my own and saw where I ended up sleeping. I was sleeping on Tom Felton's lap! Reality just hit me. OMG, I fucking helped Tom Felton and now he's at my house!!!! I mentally screamed. See, I say swear-words, in my head.

"Hi." He looked down at me with a big smile.

"What time is it?"

He looked at his watch and answered me. "Five pm." My eyes grew within seconds. Shit! "What's wrong?" The bell rang.

"That's wrong." I pointed to the speaker. I was still with my head on his lap and I was really comfortable. "My friends are here. God! I was supposed to go out with them tonight but I'm not ready. What will happen if they see you here?"

"What could go wrong?" He asked.

"First: questions, lots of questions; Second: they daydream about you in class which would mean they won't leave until you kiss them; Third: they may invent some story around us; Fourth: they would tell all the universities.; Fifth: the plan would be totally screwed." I panicked still with my head on his lap.

"Understood." He said getting up and letting my head fall on the sofa. "Sorry." The bell rang again.

"It's fine, now try to hide somewhere while I talk to them. And remember, don't hide in my bedroom, we are going there." He nodded and I got to the speaker.

"You guys woke me up," I muttered in a sleepy voice.

"Oh. Sorry." That must be Nimy, she's the kind one in our group.

"Oh stop it Nimy, she let us freeze here! Open the door for once, sleeping beauty!" That's Amy, she's the bitchy one.

"That's 'cause you're not dressed properly." That's obviously Bea, the sensible one.

"Please open the door. I'm sick of hearing these two." And that's Kim, the brave one.

You may ask where I fit in this group. I can say I'm the mix between all of them. "Come on getting in. But just to warn you that I'm not ready yet." I opened the door and they got in my flat within seconds.

"Girl, where are you?" Bea asked.

'In my bedroom' was my answer.

"What a sec! You were here with someone else!" How does Amy know? Fuck, I'm screwed up!

"Why do you say that?" I flinched.

"'Cause you're with a boy's jumper. Besides, you have popcorn on the hair and I know you would never eat popcorn unless you were watching a film with someone else, knowing that you prefer jelly tots. Now, where's the boy?" I looked taken aback. I hate to lie, it goes against my principles, but... I could only hide somethings and say the rest.

"Ok, today's morning I went to the airport to say goodbye to my mum and dad that was going on a trip to India. I had lunch there and I saw that from one of the plain a big group of people were around someone, taking pictures and God knows doing what. I wanted to know what was that so I asked this cute guy that was sitting behind me and he told that was Tom Felton. A conversation left to another and then he left me home in his F/C/C BMW. Then he asked if he could come in and I said yes. We watched a film called The Ring, but I fell asleep with my head in his lap. Then you woke me up and I told him to go away because I know that if you'd saw him you would probably interrogate him. The rest you know." I left the part when the guy that takes me in his car is actually Tom Felton and not Josh Smith.

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