A River of Time- Essay

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For as far back as I can remember, I have been fascinated by the complexities of time. I often find myself looking around at the world and marveling at the age of the planet, at the sheer history beneath my very feet, around me, above me. And we still move forwards. Our time continues, the earth aging more and more with each passing day.

To me, time is as the current of a river. It carries me along whether I want to or not, although in this instance we do not have the pleasure nor the ability to stand on the banks to watch the glittering body flow past. We are all caught and swept away by the sheer force, carried away by the time passing us by. We find ourselves suddenly a year away from where we were, swept off our feet by the riptide that is time. For everything, time moves fast and slow simultaneously, rushing along and creeping slowly.

One of the creations of the world that I see that makes me feel and marvel at the power and glory as time is the majesty of great trees. Oaks that have stood for hundreds of years in the forests near the slowly growing towns. Firs that have stood unmoving and unchanging on the tops of mountains for decades in the past and will probably stand for decades more to come. Trees are strong and unmoving in times current, untouched by its flow. Eventually, time seeps through the cracks in the ancient armor of the tree, rotting the once strong heart of the tree until it collapses in on itself, never to stand tall as itself again.

Time to us is incomprehensible. We cannot even imagine how vast it is, how long it has been, how long it will go. The years spread out ahead of us for more than billions of years, and looking back we can only guess at how long our own home has been ours, without thinking about the universe. The universe that has always been and will always be unimaginably huge and ancient. Time, which has no beginning and no end. Our minds are not made to try and imagine eternity as it is. So I view it as a river. Time carries us forwards forever, until we eventually reach our own horizon and time ends for us. 

A/N Ok, so the story behind this is simple. It's a naturalist essay I wrote for my English class. I wrote it in thirty minutes, so sorry for any typos that might have been made.

I wrote this hoping it would provoke thought; it certainly did for me. Please comment on how this made you feel, if you wish.

Read, review, do what you want. Time is fleeting anyways.

Have a good day and stay safe y'all!!!

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