What She had to Say- Short Story

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She shook her head.

"You are truly naive to believe they would ever trust you." He looked at her with shock.

"What are you saying?" She scoffed.

"They told me the same things once. Told me I was special. Said I would be a hero. They said I would be great one day. Look at me now." He gave her a once over, taking in with a sweep of his eye her matted hair, torn, filthy clothing, and exhausted visage. She truly looked a wreck. Still, he did not want to believe her words. He shook his head.

"You don't know your own words. It's different for me. I'm different." She looked at him, a small chuckle escaping her cracked and bleeding lips, slowly growing from small and quiet, mocking, to loud, maddened shrieks of bitter mirth.He waited for her seizing to cease before he demanded anything of her again. When she had finally stopped laughing he stood.

"I did not come to you to be mocked." She gave one last chuckle, smearing a tear off her filthy cheek.

"You did not come to me at all. You were sent off by those who you say know you, and happened to stumble upon the poor beggar girl with whom you found you had shared an experience. The same happened to me. The man I found was less kind in his words than I have been. I see though that you still do not understand, so I leave you with the warning he gave me." She gave him a last bitter smile. "Don't forget who you were before this. Not your standing, but who you were fundamentally. Never forget the morals you once had. Don't let your true self be lost." With those final words she finally let herself fade away. It was over, at least for her. His story was yet to be fully told.

A/N- So this is the first story in what I hope will be a long series of a Collection of poems, ideas, and little snippets of my troubled soul and active imagination. I apologize if there are any typos.

Please feel free to comment on my things here, and if you are in the particular hankering for a short story, or a poem, let me know and I will see if I can make that the next bit. For the most part though this will be random.

Please read and review, and also have a wonderful day! I wish you all the best!

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