What the Fudge Just Happened

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They said we were gonna have lots of fun as they carried me outside. Being bound at the feet and hands and gagged, then thrown into a truck.

Not my idea of fun.

They slammed the door and then they started to drive. I was freaking out because I just realized I was being kidnapped and they could being plotting my death or other torturous things.

40 mins later the truck came to a lurch and stopped causing me to bump my head.

The door behind me slammed open and a figure of a man was all I could see since it was the middle of the day. Wait... middle of the day! it was night when I was taken. So 40 minutes must have been 40 hours! I need to work on my time.

A sudden pain across my check brought me out of my thoughts. "Pay Attention!" the person in front of me roared.

Just to piss him off, I started to hum. Something jabbed at my side. My entire left side exploded in pain. I continued to hum. My shirt was torn off of me. He untied me and shoved me to the ground. The ground was cold but wet as I blinked I left up my hand and say it was red. Red with blood. I screamed and tried to move but something was keep my face planted in the wet sticky goo called blood. Suddenly I was lifted up from the ground.

He untied my hands, I took this opportunity to reach up and slap him in the face. He caught my hands and threw me to the ground.

"You just wait skank. Master is gonna have his way with you." Marvel snarled at me distastefully.

I was terrified. It slowly came to me. I've been kidnapped.

I've been kidnapped.

I've been kidnapped.

What the actual fudge.

I screamed as loud as I could hoping someone would hear me.

Marvel whipped his hand across my face.

I kept my head down as his hand left a stinging feeling on my cheek. He then, brought his foot down to my stomach.

"That'll teach you to behave and stay quiet, slut."The other man snarled at me.

"Why aren't you crying in pain Katniss. Why Katshit? huh? you ain't gonna cry for us?" They taunted.

Then I snapped.

"SHUT UP! IM GONNA BRING YOU BOTH TO YOUR KNEES AND SKIN YOU ALIVE," I screamed at them,"but first, tell me where Prim is."

The laughed and tried to shove me over. Key word.


I landed a blow on Marvels temple and knocked him out cold. I rammed the other guys head with mine. He was barely conscious. Good enough for me.

I put a foot on his chest and put most of my weight on his lungs suffocating him.

"She's with Gale." He managed to sputter before he passed out from lack of oxygen.

I was alone. I barely had a shirt on and was extremely tired and weary from fight I have fought since junior high.

I rocked back and forth on my feet and laughed as insanity slowly took over.

"Opps?" I giggled.

I staggered off to find Gale.

It's time for that boy to get his ass beaten.


Two days had past once I finally stumbled upon a wooden cabin.

"Knock knock!" I sang as I approached the cabin.

The door swung open, and standing the was Gale looking at me like I was insane. Which I was, thinks to him I am.

I can barely see his face and I see red all a round us. We are in a swamp of blood stick figures as trees in this swamp of madness.

He couldn't see it though. He couldn't see the Blood Swamp as I have chosen to call it. My feet are stained red in blood from the swamp. It's the blood of the fallen. The ones no one cared about, the ones who lost their battle with sanity and soon my blood will join theirs and I to with be a stick figured tree.

I need him to see my swamp. I need him to see the monsters. I want him to see Grane. Grane is my personal monster he has a zebra body horns of the devil and golden sun eyes. He visits me often. He has driven me here to this cabin.

"Hello Gale. Join me in insanity."

Hey guys! You don't dispense my guts right? *Laughs nervously* I was really busy this summer with no wifi. Just so you know Katniss has gone partially insane and Prim was killed the day before she got there and she goes over board when she learns. So now she is trying to drag Gale into insanity wit her. Just a little insight there. 😊😊 So please don't kill me. And sorry for the horrible language and name calls. Any questions message me!!!


Peace out ✌️✌️✌️

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