Part 5: The Beast

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I awake in a bed of feathers. Which, in fact, sounds much softer than it actually is. I thank the universe that I can't feel my bones, because I'm sure if I could, they would be aching. I yawn and stretch my limbs.

I stop myself, noting how eerily similar my actions were to the dream I just had. I hadn't dreamt since my "awakening"—I mean I had the occasional bed-wetting-terrifyingly-vivid nightmare, but this felt different. It was as if I were reexperiencing the events of the dream, but I had never experienced them in the first place.

My introspection is interrupted by the various yelling from what I assume are the members of The Resistance.

I groan, as I realize I was in for a scolding from the leaders of the group, for my spontaneous adventure. I can't avoid them forever, so I decide I should just face them. I stand up and make my way through the old hallway. As I walk through the hallway, I pass a few members of The Resistance. Like most people I come into contact with, they avoid my eyes and attempt to pass by as quickly as possible. No matter how many times it occurs, I never get used to it. It's funny, in a world of nymphs and werewolves, I'm the weird one.

The Base, which is just Silus' grandparents' old home, is located far from any residential areas or werewolf institutions.

Which means, the members of The Resistance can bitch at me as loudly as their bitter heart's desire. Their voices become louder as I near the dining room—their impromptu meeting space. I take a deep breath and exhale slowly.

I push open the door and instantly I am lifted from the ground and faced with a very pointy horn aimed at my nose.

"Etana! Put her down!" I hear Silus' voice order.

Etana ignores him and inches her horn closer to me. "Give me one single reason, I should not pierce your disgusting human face, this instant," she growls.

"Etana! The child has learned her lesson," Nyra's light voice chides.

"Learned her lesson? The little cretin has not even whispered a word of apology," she snaps.

"I can't really apologize properly, until you remove the huge horn from my face!" I snap back.

She glares down at me and after a moment, she releases me.

"Thank you," I spit.

"Eve, is there not something you would wish to say?" Silus prompts.

"I was just getting to that," I say defensively, "I truly am sorry. I just wanted to know more. It's been months since I-I—since the Lab—and I still know nothing," I say.

Etana snorts and rolls her eyes, "You could obtain the entirety of this world's knowledge and you would still know nothing," she spits, as she retakes her seat at the long table they all sit at.

The human knowledge that I have retained would have me believe unicorns are sweet, magical, and gentle creatures.


I consider flipping Etana off, but I ultimately decide against it. I can survive a lot of things, but I still wouldn't want a horn through my skull.

"Please take a seat child," Nyra offers.

I choose the seat next to Silus.

"Typical," Etana scoffs.

I ignore her and turn to Nyra, "Where is Borus?"

They exchange glances with one another.

"What?" I ask, suspicious.

"Borus' identity as a leader of The Resistance is being speculated within the werewolf community. For now, he must remain in New Eternal and regain the trust of those in the Queen's corner," Silus explains.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2017 ⏰

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