Chapter 14- Blood and Tears

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                                                       Chapter 14- Blood and Tears

I crashed through the brush and into the open just in time to see Rayne crumple to the ground, three knives buried deep into her chest. I turned to where they were thrown and managed to catch a glimpse of red hair disappearing into the trees, a giggle floating out behind it. 

Scarlet, I thought, rage coursing through my veins. I managed to push it aside, Rayne was more important. I would deal with her later. 

I ran over to Rayne. Her eyes were closed, her face pale. Her wounds were bleeding profusely, and she was lying in a rapidly growing pool of blood, staining her clothes and beautiful golden hair red with her lifeblood. For a second, I feared she was already dead, for the wounds were most definitely fatal. Tears came to my eyes, but I didn't care to stop them. 

I gave a small sigh of relief when I noticed her chest rising and falling slightly. 

"Rayne," I whispered lightly, trying to steady my voice. Her eyes fluttered open at the sound of my voice. 

"Julia," she called faintly, struggling to raise her hand. I gently took it, pulling her onto my lap, cradling her with one arm, stroking her face with my free hand. 

"Shh, it's going to be all right, Rayne. Everything's gonna be fine," my voice cracked, tears streaming down my face freely, landing on hers. 

She locked her blue eyes on mine. In them, I could see fear. She was scared. 

"I don't want to die," she whispered weakly, tears welling up in her eyes. 

I hugged her gently, cradling her body against mine. "I know. I don't want you to die, either." 

"Stay with me, Julia," her voice was so quiet, I almost couldn't hear her. I grabbed her hand, clutching it hard. I could only nod, not trusting my voice. 

She suddenly gripped my hand tightly. "It hurts," she whispered, leaning her head against my chest. 

"It will be over soon, I promise..." I murmured to her. "Hey, Rayne?" She looked at me. "I heard Heaven is a wonderful place." Even though tears were streaming down my face, I forced my voice to be steady. "There are beautiful meadows and flowers and it's always sunny. And do you know the best part? You'll be able to see your father again..." I trailed off, unable to go on. Talking about her father reminded me too much of mine, and the memories are too painful. 

Rayne's breathing suddenly increased, and I looked to her worried. Then it slowed again, and I knew her time was running out.  

She looked at me her eyes glassy. "" she breathed out. Then she was gone.  

At first, I didn't believe it, it was so sudden. Then I heard the cannon go off, making it final. I closed her eyes and gently kissed her forehead. Then I stood up and stumbled far enough away for the hovercraft to come pick up her body.  

I made it to the cave and collapsed on the floor, waiting. Then it came, the grief hitting me in waves. I was helpless to it, not strong enough to do anything but sit there and ride it out, my body wracked with sobs. Eventually, I managed to drift off into a troubled slumber.  


 (A/N I recomend listening to the song New Divide by Lincon Park while reading this. It's fitting. (or at least i thought it was)


I stalked through the forest, searching. Where was she? I knew she couldn't be very far, she knew I would come looking for her eventually. And I knew that she'd be ready. 

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