Chapter 2- Train Ride to my Death

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                                                       Chapter 2- Train Ride to my Death

When we reached the station, the train was already there; its long sleek body sparkling in the light. Vibia led us out of the car and through the mobs of reporters to the train door safely. 

She positioned us in the doorway, facing the reporters. "Smile," she hissed at us through clenched teeth, her smile not faltering. I somehow managed a half smile, but when I looked over at James, he was still bawling his eyes out. I was able to wipe away my tears in the car, thankfully. 

A few moments later, the train door slid closed, hiding us from the cameras. Then the train started up, heading out of the station. I saw no reason to stand here any longer, so I turned and headed into the cabins of the train. 

The first cabin I entered was the dining car. There were fancy tables piled high with every food you could imagine, and the furniture was probably crafted out of some expensive wood that I've never heard of. 

I really didn't want to meet anyone right now; I just wanted some time to myself. So I forged past all the decadent dishes that made my mouth water, and began looking for my bedroom.  

I walked out the door at one end of the cabin, and came to a long hallway with a few doors. I wandered down the hallway until I found the door with my name on it in fancy writing. I opened it and walked into my room. It was huge, with a king sized bed, a walk-in closet, and a huge bathroom.  

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the hot water for a bath. I stripped off my dress, discarding it in a pile on the floor. I poured in some lavender-scented soap and stepped into the warm bubbles. 

I sank down into the water with a sigh. I relaxed, letting all the stress seep out of me. Soon, I was in a peaceful state, all the worries disappearing into the lavender bubbles. I turned my head, getting it into a more comfortable position, and spotted the silver necklace Cody gave me, lying on top of my dress. 

All the sadness that was momentarily forgotten came rushing back, and soon I was crying. I made no effort to stop; I probably couldn't even if I tried. My tears soon turned into sobs, and I sat there in the water crying out my pain. 

Eventually, I stopped crying and sat there in the water, exhausted. My eyes started to droop and soon I drifted off into a dreamless sleep. 


I was jolted awake by Vibia banging loudly on my bedroom door. "Julia!" she called, "Dinner's ready! Please hurry up or else your food will get cold, and I don't think you want to miss all the divine food they're serving." 

I sat there, still gripping the sides of the tub in surprise, as I listened to the clacking of her heels getting farther and farther away. I took a deep breath, calming my pounding heart. Then, I stepped out of the water, wrapping a towel around my body. 

I was already at my closet door when I remembered my necklace. I quickly backtracked and plucked it off of my other clothes, slipping it over my neck.  

I opened the locket and heaved a sigh. We looked so happy in that picture. I bet Cody's not smiling now, I thought miserably and walked into the closet. 

There were numerous choices to choose from; silky tops and matching pants, frilly skirts, regular jeans and sweatshirts. I just chose the first thing I saw, not caring about my looks. 

I entered the dining cabin wearing a plain blue t-shirt, black sweatpants, and flip-flops. My hair was pulled back in a ponytail and still damp from the bath. 

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