Everyday (Nammin)

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Description: Namjoon and Jimin had the perfect relationship. Then some things got out of hand and they ended up breaking up. Not a day goes by where Namjoon doesn't regret it.

⚠️Inspired by the FMV up above⚠️

Namjoon's POV:
It was around midnight when I finally arrived home from work. I opened the door slowly and quietly walked in.

I turned the light on in the living room to set my bag down. After, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and walked to the kitchen. I was feeling a little parched after my studio recording today, it felt like I was never gonna be able to finish.

I grabbed a glass, filled it up with water and quickly drank it down. Once I was done, I cleaned the glass real quick and put it away.

Finally I started turning lights off and heading to our bedroom. I quietly opened the door and turned the lamp on that was the closest to me.

With that I was able to see Jimin curled up in a ball, completely passed out. His cheeks looked puffier than usual though and has he been crying? I thought to myself.

"Jiminie baby," I whispered out while caressing his cheek. He stirred around for a second until I saw his sad eyes looking back at mine.

"Jiminie, are you okay? Why were you crying?" I asked him sincerely.

"You forgot," he quietly said while he started to tear up once again.

"Forgot? What did I forget baby?" I asked while sitting down next to him and taking his hands in mine.

"My dance competition was today," he said while pulling his hands out of my grasp.

"Shit, that was today?" I asked him.

"Yes, you promised me, but again you didn't show up," he said disappointedly.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. Please let me make it up to you," I begged him.

"No, this isn't the first time this has happened Namjoon. You forget every time," he said kind of angrily. I knew he was really upset with me. He never calls me by Namjoon, only Joonie.

"Jiminie please, I promise I won't forget anymore," I said to him.

"I'm sorry but I can't do this. You always put your work above my dancing," he said while getting off the bed.

"Wait Jiminie, please," I begged while getting up after him.

"Stop calling me that! I'm tired of always thinking you'll show up, but then every time I get up on that stage and look for you, you're not there! You're never there Namjoon! I support you with your rapping and all I ask is for your support in my dancing, but it's never there! You only have to go to one show every few months. That's all I ask," He yelled at me while tears were threatening to escape his eyes.

"Baby..." I said quietly.

"No, I'm done. We're done. Have fun with the job you love oh so much. Fuck you Namjoon," he said while going around our bedroom and gathering his stuff together.

"Wait please. Baby. Don't leave me. I need you, please," I begged while grabbing his hand.

"Stop it! I'm done!" He yelled while yanking his hand away.

"Jiminie..." I said while I finally felt the tears escape.

"Goodbye Namjoon. Have a fun life. Good thing I won't be here anymore to distract you from your work. Oh and here, I won this for you, like I do every time," he said while throwing something at me.

I caught it real quick and looked at it. It was the first place medal he won at his dance competition today. As I looked down at it, the more tears I could feel escape my eyes. I only looked up when I heard the front door slam shut.

"No. No! My Jiminie. Please. I love you! Don't leave me." I screamed out while clutching the medal.

Now here I am with Yoongi at this coffee shop on our lunch break thinking about when Jimin walked out of my life.

We're currently working on a song at the moment, but we both feel like something is missing from it so we took our lunch break to think about it.

Even though it's been almost a year since I lost my Jiminie, it's still all I think about, so unfortunately I couldn't help Yoongi with the whole song ordeal.

"Hey," I was finally snapped out of my thoughts by Yoongi calling me.

"Yeah?" I questioned.

"You don't look so good. Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah," I quietly said while looking down towards my coffee.

"Is it Jimin again?" He asked with a concerning look on his face. I sighed out and shook my head yes.

"Do you miss him?" He asked me.


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