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Sara's POV

Me and my friend Marley have been recently spawned in a new world.

Here is all i could remember.

Well, it started when i remember looking down as my feet hit the sand. It made a awakening crunching noise. I was alive again, in a new world, ready to face what had to come. I looked around to see a few trees to my right, and a pond to my left. The world looked beautiful, even as the chunks were rendering. I could see mountains in the far distance, with pink tulips lining the ridge.

Suddenly, another crunch of sand could be heard not too far away from me. I turned around to see the floating nametag labeled "Mar18". I smiled and walked over to him. It was my friend Marley, who was always in the same world together. His skin was a boy with goth black hair and a skeleton hoodie. My skin wore a white sweater and long blonde hair.

I jokingly lifted my arm and punched him in the stomach. He flew backwards with a jump, and we laughed afterward.

"So, are you ready to get this party started?!" He asked.

I giggled and responded "I couldn't be more thrilled to."

Marley and i trot along the fresh grass. The formations we saw swept us away; There were extreme hills, floating blocks in the blue sky, and valleys full of blooming flowers.


-Chop, chop- I cut the birch wood down on the 6 block high tree. Marley and i each had a full pack of wood, and we were ready to mine.

He decided to begin making a furnace and swords, while i look for meat.

I was hesitant about it at first... after all, I knew the sun was going to disappear in a matter of minutes.

I traveled across a low mountain swarming with white horses.

Cow and chicken came into view.

I quickly got 3 raw chickens, 5 peices of leather, and 6 raw beef.

The sun was almost behind the edges of the world.

I used my last 5 hunger bars to get back to Marley.

I looked to my right and saw a mob that looked much like a cow. I tried to squint harder, but something was telling me that it was not a cow.... so I continued on my journey back.

Luckily, he was outside crafting when i got back.

"Sara! Come here!" He called me over, and i jogged off my last bits of hunger.

"Mar, need to smelt this food. What do you need?"

He faced me, and a shiny stone sword and pickaxe dropped in front of me.

"Dang, thanks man. Here's some leather to make boots," I told him, throwing leather on the grass.

I eventually got together a packet of stone on my own, and warded off the hostiles that stepped foot on our stone field.

Marley began digging underground to make us a hideout. I looked around at the birch forest to my right, lava pool and hills on my left, and proceeded to jump down Marley's creation.

It was nice and tight; containing 2 big chests for each of us and the beds we made earlier.

We looked at each other grinning.

"Goodnight. Sleep tight. Don't let the silverfish bite," He giggled.

"And right back at ya, Mar."

Marley's POV

---flashback to before sundown---

"Hurry back, okay?" I called to Sara as she sprinted over the small hill.

I never told her, but this world worried me. There's something about it that makes my insides turn. Why don't i tell her, you ask? Simple as this: I'll look weak. I've had a crush on Sara ever since i saw her.

I must be pretty good at hiding it, because i don't think she has any idea.

I'll stay in this sick, unnatural world just to make the love of my life happy.

My thoughts were interrupted my a crunching noise far behind me. I dismissed it as a pig or something... because it wasn't even nighttime yet.

Unlike most mobs, this sound never stopped after a short period of time. It was rather fast. And suddenly, it reached my boundary. It reached the stone.

"Sara?" I called, without looking back. My eyes were focused on my crafting table.

The footsteps stopped. Silence.

"Do it for Sara," I whispered to myself. So i grabbed my sword and whipped around.

I found myself with my eyes focused on... nothing. No animals or mobs were behind me. No one was there.

Luckily, it only took a minute until i heard her majestic voice and gentle steps.

Nothing like the ones i heard before.

After some more crafting and killing mobs, I dug Sara and I a cute little area to sleep in for the night.

I was going to say I love you, but instead, ended with goodnight. Because it would defiantely take some falling; But i knew she was afraid of heights.


Hey guys! I'm sorry i make long chapters, but i hope you liked it so far!

Im planning to make a story everyday or every two days, so please add this to your library to stay tuned.

Tell me what you think. <3 thx doods much love.

(P.S, I take critical tips with appreciation :3 )

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