But we weren't done yet. I gave Natasha the signal and she nodded her head.

She pulled out red spray paint and wrote the words "man whore" and "player" all on his locker.

"Nattie, what the hell are you doing? Noah shouts at his sister grabbing the spray paint from her. "You're gonna be in a lot of trouble he says.

"I don't care. I'm helping a friend." She says.

He simply shakes his heads and says some words in Spanish that I don't understand.

At the corner of my eyes I see Hunter breathing heavily and his face tomato red.

I turn to him.

"You see how it feels to be Embarassed in front of a crowd? I ask.

"I never fucking humiliated you like you just did me." He exclaims getting loud.

"Let's not ignore the fact that you went out with me for a bet! I throw back on him.

"Whose situation is worse? I ask pretending to be thinking.

"I told you I could explain everything, but you're so damn stubborn and you never want to listen. You just believed what you heard. Or what someone told you? Which one is it Melanie, they had to be pretty important that you believed them before you came to me." He says.

"It wasn't what I heard, or what someone told me. It's what I saw." I say pulling out my phone and playing the video for him.

When the video finishes, he chuckles like he just won a million dollars.

"You know what. I'll just explain everything right now. The bet I made, had everything to with me, as much as him." Hunter says pointing to a person watching everything go down.


"The other half was whoever won a lacrosse game gets to ask you out. And take the caption of the lacrosse team spot. We never bet on you as you think we did, we both wanted you and only one could get you. " he explained.

I turn to Ryan hoping he had something to deny this, but his facial expression said it all.

"Am I an object you both? I ask tears threatening to spill." I shook my head.

"We're still done." I say and exit down the hallway , having Skyler and Natasha chase after me.

But not before kicking Ryan where the sun don't shine.


And that my friends, is how I got suspended for 4 days after Christmas break.

Natasha a week, and Skyler 2 days.

My parents weren't even THAT mad, just upset that I put my hands on Ryan. They gave me a talking to, but right after left on a trip to New Mexico. With co-workers.

They just left us here. Boujee.

My mom was very shocked considering the fact that Ryan has always been my friend.

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