Silently, we each reached for a coffee and took a sip before letting out a satisfied sigh. Our eyes met, similar small smiles appearing on our lips. Callum brought his mug down, but I took another mouthful from mine.

"I thought you'd take me to the Milk & Cream," the Detective commented.

"Riley isn't at work right now," I said.

Not that it would've mattered, I added in my mind. I would've found his presence both reassuring and unnerving if he saw you with me. But this place was closer; there was less time for me to get nervous and less of a chance for you to change your mind before we arrived.

"How are the wedding..."

"So what's new around the Silver Bullets..."

We both began speaking at the same time. We both stopped speaking at the same time. We both nodded at the other to go on and finish their sentence first and we both laughed at the situation.

"You first," Callum then said.

"How are the wedding preparations going?" I asked, placing my mug on the table.

He cringed.

"That bad?" I posed another question before he'd given me a verbal reply to the previous one.

"A bit of a problem with the catering, but they sorted it out."

"Then what's up?"

"My sisters and nieces are still hoping I'd bring someone with me to the wedding. Sometimes I think the bride-to-be is more interested in seeing me with a girlfriend than saying 'I do'."

I laughed again.

"I doubt that. But maybe you could bring a female friend?" I suggested, not entirely helpfully. I didn't consider myself the jealous type, but a part of me - a wicked part I did not like - was hoping he'd assure me he didn't have close female friends. Especially ones with benefits.

All he did was snort.

Good enough, I guess.

"So, what did you buy Stacey and..." I trailed off, having forgotten the name of his niece's fiancé.

"Todd," he helpfully supplied. "And that's the other problem with this wedding: I have no idea what to get them." He took a sip from his coffee before going on. "I was thinking about an envelope with some money, but it seems impersonal so I was going to do that and a gift like a toaster, but after I bought this junk..."

This time it was Callum who didn't finish his sentence; instead, he glared at the box he'd put on the empty chair beside him.

"I could help you pick something for them," I offered and Callum's eyes rounded in response.

Three times in one day; I just kept astonishing him. Maybe he'd think I'm up to something?

Maybe that I'm on something?

That I've had a couple of drinks too many before I went out today?

Perhaps I should tone it down. But I'd already wasted years. It was time to take action.

"You'd do that?"

It was my turn to be surprised. I'd been hoping he'd agree, but I'd expected him to turn me down.

"Sure." I shrugged like it was no big deal. But it was. Callum and I would be going out, not on a date, but still going out together. Feeling the urge to fidget, but not wanting to show him how nervous I was, I reached for my drink and took the longest gulp in the history of coffee drinking.

Sentiments & Reason ✓ (Dogs, Bats & Monkeys series, Book II)Where stories live. Discover now