Chapter 6

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A/N I probably won't upload this week as I have starstruck Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Ill be working on the next chapter during this time, so enjoy this chapter!


~ Harry's POV ~

It had been 10 minutes since I went to my room and we had been sitting in the kicthen in silence, it was awkward, so we muttered good nights and went to bed. Except me, I was sitting on my bed, thinking of what I just did in the car replayed in my head, me seeing Jenna staring, not blinking. As soon as I called her name she snapped out of it, I had seen her like this before and when I asked her about it she said its nothing. But Niall knew about it, no one eles, just him. Then I layed my head on Jenna's shoulder, she was fine with this and I did the stupidest thing ever, I snuggled my head into her neck and she froze, just when we were starting to get close! This was all my fault and when I peeked up to look at her face again, she was making that face again then Niall started to wake up and closed my eyes. I tried to remember the feel of her soft skin and that is when Niall pulled her into a hug, and when I yelled at them, I didn't mean to wake the boys and certently didn't mean to make Jenna flinch. I was just angry at Niall, but I'm in the wrong, I shouldn't've snuggled my head near her neck. But it was worth it, it was certainly worth it.

-knock knock-

"what?" I ask, I want to be alone. to sit on my bed and sort out my thoughts and feelings.

"haz, can I come in?" Lou asks,

"no." I reply,

"why not?"

"I just wanna be alone." I cry, I just wanna be alone, is that to much to ask for? The doorknob turns and then Louis is standing in the door way.

"tell me what happened."

~ Jenna's POV ~

I woke to a soft snore, I looked to my left where my prefect boyfriend was still asleep, sure we had our fights but we always ended up laughing about it. My back was pressed agaist my back, his arms around my waist. This is the most perfect way to wake up, in the arms of my Nialler and I love it. As I lay I start to think about what happened yesterday, Harry first resting his head on my shoulder, which I'm perfectly fine with, and then when he snuggled his head in my neck I froze, it felt weird. Then when he yelled at us, I flinched Harry would never yell at me, never ever ever would he yell at me. We were just getting closer and then he dose this! Things are gonna be awkward this morning. Niall starts to stir, mumbling 'bout it being to early to wake up. I look over at the clock it 6:30 am, why am I up? I'm not normally up at this time. I carefully remove Niall's arms and slip out of bed, then I grab my clothes and take a shower. 10 minutes later I emerge from the bathroom in my red jeans and a plain white t-shirt and head down to the kitchen, get my self a bowl of coco-pops and a cup of tea and then head for the lounge. Turn on the tv and watch sponge bob for awhile.

"Jenna what are you doing up at 7 am?" Liam asks, I turn to look at him.

"I don't know, I woke half an hour ago," I reply shrugging my shoulders.

"oh ok." liam walks off to the kitchen. Thank god he didn't ask about what happened in the car.

"oh and Jenna," Liam called out from the kitchen, please don't ask, please don't ask.

"what happened in the car yestereday, when Harry was yelling?" he asked. Damn it, he asked, I spoke too soon.

"um......well.......Harry put his head on my shoulder and Niall got mad," I said looking down at my food, chasing the coco-pops around my bowl.

"well that didnt sound so bad," Liam sat next to me.

"but Harry yelled at me! He never yells at me!" I pause and take a breath and mumble "I guess he saw harry's head snuggled in my neck." I pray that Liam didn't hear me. Liam spits out his cereal, which he's eating with a fork, damn it he heard.

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