“We need to leave.” Jungkook says and pulls me and Tae out of the café. We just run, I don’t know where we go but I just follow them. I mean, what should they do to ruin my day? It’s already completely ruined. And not only my day, but rather my whole life is. I was stupid enough and met with an Idol and thought we could talk like normal people. How will he be able to look at me now? Even when I don’t know much about an Idol life I can imagine how big of a deal it is when he gets caught hugging a foreign girl.

  “Where are we going?” I finally ask after 5 minutes of running. “Our dorm.” Tae answers. “We don’t want them to know where you live. They would follow you.” Jungkook adds. They would follow me? But I am just an ordinary girl, nothing special. No talents. No famous family. Just a random girl lost in the stress of beginning a new life. I obviously failed.

  We entered their dorm and 5 pairs of eyes are staring at me.

  “Why is she here?” Was the first thing I heard. I think Yoongi asked it.

“Just look through Twitter, she should have already posted it.” Of course I am totally lost again. Not understanding a single word sucks. Namjoon stands up and makes his way to me.

  “Are you OK?”

  “I… I don’t know. I don’t know what to think or to say anymore. My life is just falling apart into a million pieces and I cannot do anything about it. I can just watch and suffer from it but I cannot prevent it.” And I was right. I can just stand here and watch my life falling apart. AGAIN. I start crying again and Namjoon is now the one who hugs me. “Everything will be alright. Whatever happens, we will be here to help you.” He says to calm me down while petting my head.

  “What happened?” Jimin asks in Korean again.

  “We met at the café like we said we would. It was nothing special. We learn together and the situation was very comfortable, until her phone started vibrating. She received a call from Germany saying that her mother died. Of course I comforted her, she cried for two hour, that’s why I didn’t come home earlier. A few minutes after Jungkook found us a fan saw us inside the café and went inside and took photos of me hugging her.” He talks a way to fast. He seems to be very nervous because he also touches his neck while talking.

  “That’s bad. That’s really bad. Do you know if they got her face?” Jin says looking through Twitter on his phone.

  “They did.” Hoseok now says. He shows a photo on his phone to Tae who buries his face in his hands after looking at it. I pulled myself out of Namjoon’s hug so I can also take a look at the picture. There it is. The picture that will probably ruin my life. No one can doubt that it is me, she got a good angle to make my face visible.

  I turn around to look at Namjoon because he is the only one able to understand me now. “How am I supposed to live my life now? Everyone knows my face. They… They will probably haunt me or something like this. Amy told my a few stories about sasaengs. I don’t want to one of their victims. I… I have dreams to.”

  “You won’t be hurt. We will find a way to let them know there is nothing going on between you two.” He replies calmly after I shouted at him. “He is hugging me on the picture Namjoon! Why should he hug me when there is nothing? You don’t go through the streets and start hugging randoms just because they are crying. Especially not as an Idol. You can do nothing to make them think different.” Namjoon knows too well that I am right. They won’t believe them. “I think you two should just get a bit rest now.”

  “Rest? You tell me to rest? I just lost my mother and my privacy! How can anyone in my situation be able to get rest? My completely life was turned upside down!” Tae makes his way to me and pulls me in a tight hug. Even when I am angry, not at him but at my life, I cannot resist him. I inhale his scent. After so many hours he still smells like home. He loosens the hug an rests his hands on my shoulders to look into my eyes. One of his hands softly cups my cheek and he wipes away a few tears. “I am here. You are not alone.” This words make me smile. The first smile I was able to smile after the news of my dead mother. He turns to Namjoon but his hands stay where they were. “Translate?” he asks and Namjoon nodded.

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