Torn apart

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“I have a long way to go but why am I running in place?
I scream out of frustration but the empty air echoes
I hope tomorrow will be different from today
I’m just wishing"

  Namjoon just stands there, looking at me in disbelief. “He... abused…you?” he asks to make sure he doesn’t misunderstand me. I just nodded and look at Tae again. He didn’t understand what I said.
"What did she say?” he asks Namjoon.

  “Her father was an alcoholic that always argued with her mother… and… he… he abused her.” His voice gets quieter with every word he says. He stares into the room, he couldn’t get his head around it.

  Tae again turns around to look into my eyes. “He hurt you?” he asks nearly crying. Seeing him cry makes me cry again. He just wraps his arms around me. He understands that I don’t want to talk about it and I crying was the only answer he needs. “He cannot now. I am here.” He whispers.

  After a few minutes I look up. “He couldn’t hurt me now anyway, he is dead. He died a few months ago. He drank too much and was a way too cocky. He argued with someone in the bar and died at the hospital due to his injuries. I am not sorry for him. He deserved it. As I was young I wasn’t able to fight back. I just told my mother after a few years… she broke every kind of contact to him until we received the call of him being dead.” I say looking at Namjoon. He translates it for Tae. Will it always be like this? Do we always need to have Namjoon around so we are able to talk more than the little English Tae knows?

  “You have no family now?” Tae asks after Namjoon finished. I still have an older sister but she pretends she doesn’t know me, so she isn’t family to me. “No. I have no one now.”

  “You have us. We will be your family now.” Jungkook says from behind Namjoon. “We still need to discuss about the picture, Syra. But for now, you two need to rest.” I nodded. “Where can I sleep? I don’t want to be alone.”

  “Wait.” Namjoon says and goes back to the living room. A few minutes later he comes back. “You can sleep in Jimin’s bed. He will sleep on the sofa. You will share a room with Tae then, I hope it is OK with you.”

  “Of course it is. Who am I to claim something else?”


  I fell asleep pretty fast to the thought of Tae only being a few steps away. As I wake up, I searched for him but seems like he is already awake since he isn’t in his bed. I stagger through the dorm trying to find my way to the living room. To be honest, it wasn’t hard because they are shouting again.

  I entered the living room and everyone gets quiet, looking at me just standing there scratching the back of my head. “Annyeonghaseyo.” I say with a smile. I think they were talking about the picture again. “Good morning, Syra. It is perfect that you are awake now, we are discussing about what to do about the picture of you and Taehyung that is currently finding its way to every army.” Just as I thought. Of course it is the damn picture again. I need to say we look cute on it, but I would like it when there wouldn’t be so much trouble caused by it.

  “Can I first have a coffee? Otherwise my brain won’t work the way you want it.” I say and just received a laugher from those who understood what I said. What is funny about someone asking for coffee? “Of course.” Jin says and goes to the kitchen.

  “Where is Tae?” I ask while sipping my hot coffee. “He said he needed some fresh air and went out for a walk.” Namjoon answers. Just as he finishes Tae enters the room. “You are awake.” He says walking straight to me to give me a kiss on my forehead. “Annyeonghaseyo.” I say again with a shy smile. He smiles back.

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