Chapter 3

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Over the next couple of weeks, Vik settles into LGSM almost immediately. He feels better than he has in years, up and leaving Sheffield in favour of London and this group, who help find him a job in a local shop for the time being.

He learns the family's dynamic, and gets to watch people defy the 'gay' stereotype in so many different ways.

Sarah's got the voice of angel, and is very effeminate. She's everything that a lesbian in the 1980s is believed not to be. She's also got a sharp tongue, and knows how to get shitty, sleazy guys off her back. She has her own mind, and speaks it.

Simon, despite being so flamboyant, is dedicated and competitive. Once he's got his mind set on something, nothing will get in his way.

Even Josh - the last Scrabble night got seriously heated.

JJ is a complete idiot, but he cares. He goes against everything Vik figures that straight people are. Snide and hateful are two things JJ certainly is not.

Ethan's a fantastic boxer, competing with the local team. "It's hard sometimes, they talk so dismissively about us, use it as an insult. But I love the sport." Ethan's told Vik in the past, when he inquired about it. It's a good stress reliever, apparently.

He's also pretty much Simon and Josh's son, as he lives with them, and often sits at their feet in group meetings, when all the chairs are taken.  One of them might reach out to run their hand through his hair absentmindedly. He clearly adores them both, especially Josh, who he openly calls 'Dad' and cuddles frequently.

Simon's not jealous, which Vik thought was weird to begin with, but it became clear very quickly that Ethan was pretty much Josh's child, in their weird 'family' set up. Vik figures he'll get to know more about their situation the longer he knows them for.

Tobi's just a lovely guy, and Josh is the same. They're so normal, and so grounding for Vik, amidst this newfound eccentric friendship circle.

But then there's Harry.

Vik can't quite make sense of him, sometimes he's one of the nicest people Vik's ever met. He's clumsy, has a goofy smile gracing his face as he looks around at everyone, looping his arm around Ethan's shoulder.

Then other times, he's standoffish, insulting Vik and giving him dirty looks. All the others have had a word with Harry about his behaviour, and all he does in return is sulk like a moody teenager.

"I reckon he's just missing Cal." Ethan ponders out loud one day, after Harry's stormed out of the shop, having cussed out Vik, who sits beside Sarah in silence, eyes wide.

Simon's face clouds, "fuck knows why. The man was shit. Didn't deserve our Bog's time. How the fuck did he think he could come in here and use him like that?" By the end of his spiel, Simon's fuming, his fists tightening, colouring his hands a distinct pink. His teeth are gritted, and Josh reaches out to unfurl his fingers.

"Sweetheart, it's okay. He's gone now. I know Harry's still in love with him, but we can't be getting upset, not now that he's gone, eh?" Simon cuddles into Josh, trying to calm himself down, tears in his eyes. Josh looks up at the rest of the guys before speaking.

"Honestly, I reckon Ethan's right. Vik being the new guy probably doesn't help either - no offence, Terrier - but Harry does like being the centre of attention, and he's protective of this family. He probably doesn't trust him yet."

Vik clears his throat, speaking up. "He did say he'd wait until I did something great before he'd get to know me, something like that."

The rest of the group roll their eyes. "Of course he did." JJ responds.

"I wouldn't worry about it, Vik. He'll come around, you're a likeable guy." Tobi consoles, smiling at Vik from the other side of Sarah.

"He's got to get over himself." Sarah adds to the conversation bluntly. "This is idiotic."

Conversation lulls for a little while, everyone thinking about the situation at hand, Josh whispering softly into Simon's ear to calm him down.

"So," Ethan's voice calls out suddenly, startling people back into life, "Vik, did you find anywhere that'd take us?"

"Well, it was my day off a couple of days ago, so I spent it down at the library, looking at the Yellow Pages, things like that. I was trying to find a list of mining communities, and ones who were willing to twin, at that. It took me a while, but I found three places that were open to twinning. One called South Crofty which is in Cornwall, Lady Windsor Colliery, which is in ye-nee-see-b-wool? I honestly have no clue how to spell it." Vik's hand slides into the pocket of his jeans, producing a piece of paper. "Yeah, I still can't say that. Y-N-Y-S-Y-B-W-L." He spells the name aloud. "Or one called Snowdown, in Kent. I've written to them all, and we're waiting for any to get back to us."

Ethan's eyebrow raises, "you've clearly put a lot of work into this."

Vik shrugs. "I mean, you're dedicated to your cause, and it's one I'm interested in. I said I'd help you, and I like to believe I'm a man of my word."

Sarah slings an arm around him, her flowery aroma hitting Vik in the process. She grins, her happiness spreading across her whole face, and fuck does it make Vik feel happy too. He's done something right by someone, and it feels good.

"Tobi, I'm sorry. You can't keep this one, he's mine now."

Tobi rolls his eyes, "in Vik's defence, he wasn't mine to begin with. He's his own person, Sarah. He came over because he was interested, as he tells you a lot. Can you stop assuming things, please?"

A low synchronised 'ooo' sound comes from across the room, JJ and Ethan turning to each other and high-fiving immediately after.

"Anyway. Vik, thank you so much for throwing yourself into all of this with so much heart. I know we all appreciate it, even Harry, despite him being too much of an idiot to say it." Josh brings the group back to the topic of conversation, rubbing his hand gently in a circular motion across Simon's back. "I guess the next move happens when we get a response back from one of them, doesn't it?"

"I guess so." Vik replies, his voice quiet. Tonight isn't particularly talkative, but that's alright. They don't need words to enjoy each other's presence all the time.

Just knowing that they're together, in support of one another, is enough sometimes. Welcoming Vik into their little world is just an extension of that love.

"Oh, I've got an idea!" Sarah shouts, only to be hushed by Josh. It's fairly late in the day, and they don't need any more complaints from homophobic neighbours. "Sorry! But how about we not tell Harry about this?"

She's met by confused looks of the men around her.

"Come on guys, if Vik finds us a twin for definite, then Harry will change his tune completely. He'll be on board with Vik as part of the family, and part of the movement. He'll get that act of dedication he's so desperate for."

JJ smirks, "that's fine by me." The others all nodding in agreement.

Author's Notes
So this is a complete and utter filler because I wanted to write today. Sometimes I get behzerk feels, as well as the old minizerk. I'm feeling a tad mad, and a little bit sad.

Not even sure why, to be honest. Just a flat day, you know?

Anyway yeah, the 3 mines I mention in this are all mines that genuinely existed during the 1980s. I'm uninventive when it comes to naming things. I also don't know if they were ever twinned with a fundraising group, but roll with it.

I also hope ChelseaXIX is feeling a little better - get well soon 💙

Anyway, the actual plot line should start during the next chapter, so look forward to a little bit of that? I guess? Idk I'm not on form today.

I'm also sorry if the conversation doesn't come across as accurate for the 1980s: unsurprisingly, I wasn't alive, and although I love research I'm not going to sit there studying the dialect used in 1980s British films. I'm tired and don't have the time, to be honest.

As always though, lot of appreciation for all of you, supporting this.


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