Oc Survivor

291 2 16

Name- Marik Opal

Nickname- Marik

Age- 16

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Doesn't know, he hasn't tried both genders

Personality- Cocky, bad boy, selfish, humorous

Likes- Being a step ahead, sticking tongue out, sex, weapons of all sorts

Dislikes- losing his cocky attitude, people rubbing in his failure, being tickled

Crushes: Doesn't really know yet


Playing around-

Marik has always liked being a step ahead, he places traps to keep the killer occupied from attacking other Survivor. The aura of all traps are shown to the all survivor, who are unaffected by the traps.

- Are given 1/2/3 traps

- Stuns killer for 3/4/5 seconds

"Got to be one step ahead." -Marik


Marik is filled with energy when he taunts the killer. After stunning a killer he does a little taunt giving his extra speed. Goes into a sprint for 3 seconds. Causes exhaustion for 60/40/30 seconds.

"Haha! Get stunned bitch!"- Marik


After seeing pallets and windows Marik remembers them. When starting a chase all the windows and pallets you remember will be shown for 5 seconds. If pallet is broken it will not show.

"Gotta know you're surroundings." - Marik


Growing up was hard for Marik, his little sister was born with a sickness and they tried to help her. After school he went to the hospital and watched his sister sleep, whilst his father was out at work to keep paying the doctors and the mother as well. He would color pictures for her and write small letters to her. After another year she died and the parents were crushed. Marik grew up around smoke and alcohol. Which soon enough he got addicted to as well. At school he had a few friends and they introduced him into the stoner group. Marik was actually quiet happy their. He would hang out with them get drunk or high. His parents never really knew about this since they worked so much or drank themselves away. Him and his friends started to get great ideas. They started bringing in girls to get drunk and high so they could advantage of them. But no matter how high or drunk Marik was he never found it right and lot of the time he didn't participate.  But after that they suggested they murder someone. Marik some reason was all up for this. He swung his knife around waiting for any victim to stumble upon their territory. Marik's grin soon faded as he saw a couple start walking down the street. Before anyone could notice he fled. He was still a cocky badass but he wasn't going to jail that night. Once he got home his mother was passed out on the floor and his father hadn't returned home. And he never did return. Marik decided to keep his cocky attitude at school but after school he went straight home to get high. He knew he was gonna get his ass beat if he went back, since he bailed on them. But day after day they finally came to his house. He saw them from the window and he packed up some useful resources before jumping out the window. He could hear their angry voices roaring for him to unlock the door. He landed perfectly on two feet running off into the woods for the night. Whilst running deeper he tripped and manage to fall unconscious. 


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