Another OC Survivor

398 3 16

Asaiah (ah-say-yah) Woods-

Nickname- Azzy

Gender- Male

Age- 17

Sexuality- Bi-sexual


Calm awareness- When someone gets thrown on the hook you gain 5% speed, can get up to 20% extra speed, but once someone dies you lose 5%.

Fierce(I made up)- If you stun the killer with a pallet, it lasts 2/4/8 seconds longer than normal. Cool down time- 40 seconds.

Stabilize(I made up)- With an emergency med-kit/First aid med-kit/ All medkits and any amount of usage you can instantly heal yourself,or other survivors without any add ons. Takes away medkit.

Premonition- You have the undeniable capability to sense danger. Get an auditory warning when looking in the direction of the Killer in a 45 degree cone within a range of 12/24/36 meters. Premonition has a cooldown of 60/45/30 seconds seconds each time it activates. Premonition trumps any of the Killer's stealth abilities. 

Likes-  people, joking around, video games

Dislikes- being alone, snobs, yelling,

Personality- Loud, funny, weird, quirky, anxiety, moody

Habits- drawing red lines on his skin, and drooling in sleep. 

Killer they fear the most- Huntress

Crushes:...Anyone can work

Bio- Asaiah was born only with his mother. His father died in a war when he was still in the womb. He took most of his father's traits and appearance. When he turned the age Ten his father had a gift for him. Ever since he saw it when he was three he begged to be ten. Inside the small box was a dog tag. His mother brought him to a jewelry store to get his name and his father's name carved into it. Asaiah Woods and Tim Woods. Only to to take a shower has he ever taken off the necklace. His mother noticed a horrible habit starting so she asked him what might help. After a bit of thinking she got him into a self defense class. And bought him a red marker every time the other one was running out of ink. Most of his friends were in his self defense class. And his crush Nick. He fought a lot with him. But he went easy not wanting to hurt his dear crush. Though on one unfaithful day, he had do his best to pass his class. Of course he was put against Nick. Azzy did his very best, trying a little too hard and accidentally threw him down hard on his arm. He heard a loud crack and his eyes shot to Nick. Anxiety rose and his hand twitched he stared at Nick. His breath hitches looking at his coach. His coach called an ambulance and his parents while Azzy took an emergency med kit and tried his best to stabilize his arm. A couple of months passed and they pretended that day never happen. They laughed, joked, teased each other like the old days. One day his younger half sister convinced him to sneak a love note into Nick's bag. He did and waited in the woods for Nick. He sighed waiting, looking repeatedly at the time on his phone. His anxiety was getting the better of him. Causing him to twitch, and shake. Horrible thoughts clouded his mind as he leaned against the tree. He waited three hours for Nick to show up. Soon he decided to look thinking Nick got lost trying to getting to the end of a bike path in the woods. He went off trial and he regretted his decision.



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