I walked over to him, and silently wrapped my arms around his shoulder, leaning my cheek on his back since he was taller than me. Niall sighed deeply, then turned around in my arms.

"Hey," I smiled, admiring the way his hair cast shadow over half of his face, from the moonlight. "I never noticed how tall you are," I mock-grimaced.

"Well technically, I am older than you."

"Really?" I murmured. I always thought Niall was around the same age as me.

"Yeah. I died when I was 18. So if I were alive, I'd be 20 right now," Niall said, his blue eyes shining with pain. I bit my lip guiltily. I shouldn't have brought this up.

"Sorry, Ni."

"Not your fault, Zayn. We can't change anything," Niall shrugged, and I just hugged him tighter.

"I wish we could," I murmured in his cold neck. I prayed almost everyday for a miracle, to wake up one day and find Niall real and alive. Not in-between and dead. It sucked. It really sucked.

I know we should keep this in mind. What we have wouldn't last forever. It can't. But that doesn't mean we can't prolong it.

"I love you, Niall. So much," I murmured, cupping his cheek as he inhaled in shock. "You are the first guy I've loved, and I'll never forget that. Even when you'll be," I gulped. "Gone."

"I love you too, so damn much. And just... I have never felt this way when I was alive. I don't even know if it's right. And frankly, with my abilities developing further, I can almost pass as a human!" Niall exclaimed, as he got out of my embrace.

"What?" I frowned.

Niall turned to me with a smile. "I don't know why, after more than an year, I'm learning to master my abilities so quickly. I can apparate, I can grasp and move things, hell I can be visible now!"

I frowned. What is his point? "Niall, I know. That's amazing that you're gettimh a grip on your abilities, but what has that got to do with you crossing over?"

Niall's eyes darkened as he leaned closer. "That's the thing Zayn. Maybe God doesn't want me to cross over. When I was alone, I was thinking about how when I'll leave, I'll be breaking mine and your heart. And I never want to do that," he sighed. "But then someone made me realise that we should just appreciate the time we have."

I nodded. But what would he do if he won't cross over? "You're right. Our little fantasy, huh?" I smiled, and Niall smiled back, threading our fingers together. His smile then faded as he looked past me, lost in thought.

"Zayn. We can avoid this," he locked our gazes, squeezing my fingers. "I don't have to leave. I-"

"Stop! Just stop it Niall! Okay?! You are going to cross over," I took a deep breath, and Niall was staring at me in shock, dropping my hand. I rubbed my forehead. "Look. That's the reason you came to me. This is not healthy. For you to be stuck here because of me. You deserve peace. You will get answer-"

"So that's it, huh? You really don't want me around after all?" he asked brokenly, and I gulped, squeezing my eyes shut to aviod seeing his hurt expression. I hated hurting him.

"No baby," I took his cold hands in mine. "I want you close to me. If it were upto me, I'd keep you with me forever. But we have to think rationally. You can't think like that Niall. Don't about our future, just enjoy the present. It'll hurt less," I smiled wryly, and Niall breathed deeply.

"You're right," he said wistfully. "God, you're right. I'm sorry Zayn," he murmured, and I swallowed as I saw a tear slip down his pale cheek. I wiped it with my thumb, and leaned up, softly pressing my lips to his. He instantly returned the pressure, and soon I felt myself get lost in the pleasure, in the sparks coursing though my body.

"Our little fantasy, huh?" Niall murmured against my lips, and I smiled, running my fingers through his hair.

"Yes," I murmured, and deepened our kiss. Somehow, Niall and I ended on my bed with him underneath me. I kissed his cold neck, making him left out a breathy moan, which was honestly the sexiest thing I had ever heard. Niall pulled me even closer if it was possible.

I was now straddling him, and I took his permission as I slipped his shirt over his head for better access. I was about to plant another sweet kiss when I froze in shock, my hands on Niall's chest.

"What's wrong, babe?" he asked softly, and I bit my lip and I softly traced the bluish marks on Niall's throat. They were faint, but now, I could easily see them.

"How are these..." I trailed off, not sure how to word my question.

"Looks like I've been strangled, huh?" Niall asked humorously. "Everyone thinks that. But when I had lost my breath, I had clawed on my throat too hard. God, the pain was just unbearable."

I winced. Once again I had reminded Niall of something painful. "I am such an arse," I spat. "I'm-"

"Don't you dare say sorry. I'm used to this, okay. And it doesn't matter to me anymore."

I shook my head in awe. Niall must probably be one of the strongest people I've met. He never shows how much he's hurting. One of the many reasons I love him.

I kissed him again, harder, and Niall immediately responded. "I love you so fūcking much," I said fervently, and Niall locked his gaze with mine, his eyes shining with happiness.

"I love you Zayn. How much? You have no idea."

The Ghost Counselor [Ziall] [MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now