32~ Fantasy.

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I switched my gaze back and forth between Harry and Niall; the latter was still sprawled on the ground. How the hell can the guys see Niall?!

Niall met my eyes, and his were widened with horror. Before anything else could happen, I took action and answered Harry's question.

"Pshh, of course I see him. He isn't a ghost you know. 'Cos that'll be ridiculous. Him being a-" Niall loudly cleared his throat, and I smiled sheepishly. "I mean, he's my... uh, cousin from Ireland. He just dropped by for a few days because, um, his house is being... renovated?" I trailed off, mentally facepalming myself.

The guys all nodded in understanding, and Harry went forward, offering Niall a hand up. I watched with widened eyes as Niall stared at Harry's hand like it was a probing stick. He then gingerly reached out and accepted it.

"Ha, yeah. I'm Zayn's cousin from Ireland. Super clumsy, that's me," Niall laughed nervously.

"You're pretty cold, mate," Harry remarked as he let to of Niall's hand. "Let's get inside."

Niall and I exhaled a sigh of relief, and he hung back as the guys shuffled inside the house. "What the hell Niall?!"

"I don't fūcking know! My ability is developing again or something! One minute I'm visible, the other I'm flickering!" he snapped.

"Shit," I muttered. "The guys can't see you flicker. Now that'll be a good impression on my friends, huh?" I joked, and Niall cracked a smile.

We both made our way inside, following the sounds of Harry and Louis bickering to the living room. The object of their scuffle was which video game they should play. Mario Kart of COD. And Liam was unsuccessfully trying to calm them down.

Eh, I'd let them be. They would probably shut up and start making out in three, two- and there you go.

Liam grimaced, and turned away from Larry. "Hey. So Zayn never mentioned a cousin?" he asked Niall, who was slowly inching towards the stairs.

"Er, I'm a distant cousin," Niall shrugged.

"I'm Liam by the way," Liam stuck his hand out, and once again, Niall gingerly shook it, breathing a sigh of relief when his hand didn't dail through. I saw him repeatedly squeezing his eyes shut, concentrating on maintaining his visibility.

"Niall." Liam frowned, then his eyes widened in realisation.

"Niall, as in that Irish ghost?!"

Niall looked at me questionably, and I nodded at Liam. "Yeah, the same one. He mastered his ability and-"

"Wow, he just flickered," Liam slowly said, and Niall cursed.

"Well, I better get going," Niall nodded at Liam with a smile. "It was nice meeting you guys!" he called out louder, and Louis and Harry waved back, now having finally decided on Call Of Duty.

Niall was about to gratefully disappear up the stairs when Harry called out, "Hey, why don't you stay for a game?"

"Er, thanks but no thanks. I gotta go. Bye!" Niall then ran up the stairs as I saw him flicker once again.

"He's kinda shy," I shrugged as I took a seat on one of the plush couches in front of the TV, picking up a controller.

"But he's cute," Harry said teasingly, which earned him a glare from both Louis and I.



After the boys left, I finally walked up the stairs to my room, to see Niall standing by the window, his back to me. I felt a smile slip onto my face as I felt a sense of deja vu. This was the exact way I had first met Niall in my room.

The Ghost Counselor [Ziall] [MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now