Chapter 1: Silver's Sob Story

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My boyfriend of 4 years broke up with me.
Out of thin air.
In a text.
Holy freaking crap.

That's just great. I thought we would be together forever, I guess Harry's forever was not my forever. I told him all my secrets, I told him him my sorrows, and I invited him to my happiness. But he broke up with me. Out of the blue. But now the quiet girl is ready for some pay back.

But before I bore you with my sob story, let me introduce myself to you. My name is Silver Agnus. My name came when my dad first saw my gray eyes. A clashing contrast alongside my raven black hair.

Currently, I am a senior in high school, ready to move on with my life. Ready to get away from this everlasting boredom, this 4 year prison.

Right now I am currently trying to concentrate in this English class. I already read the book The Stranger and the teacher was still on the first chapter. Call me a nerd but I love reading. I was comfortable in sitting all day in the back of the library reading a book.

And that's where I met Harry, a book worm just like me. But this summer Harry was not the same Harry anymore now he was captain of the football team, liked by everyone and everything. Except me, I missed my Harry the one that read books, was afraid of girls and kept all of my secrets.

Now this different Harry walked around school like he owned it, his once hysterical blonde mop, was now slicked back revealing his once warm, chocolate eyes.

Everyone except me loved him. He got bored of the quiet girl, of my wittiness and now hung out with a different girl every day. He was my escape from the home that was not even mine. I was history now.

And I despised him for that.

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