meet le author

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My name: Isabela  (yes with one L)

Age: 12 (I usual get shunned for my age and my cursing problem)

Hobbies: Drawing(♤), writing, dreaming.

Loves: food, dogs, music(any kind), a good show/anime, books/comics, wolves, loved ones, musicals.

Likes: holidays, cross-dressing, cosplaying, action/romance/funny movies,  being comfortable.

Dislikes: cramps, being uncomfortable, chocolate, chicken, bullying, anything that offends other people/me.

Personailty: loyal, shyish, protective, angered easily, goofball, creative.

Bad traits: anger issues, social anxiety, lazy, attitude, depressed slightly.

Pronouns: she/her

Sexuality: pansexual

Eyes: deep brown

Hair color: err.. ombre?


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Okay so I am thinking about doing a Christmas special but each charater gets a story instead of bullets of what they do so yay or nay?

Oh and as always


{HAMILTON} boyfriend/girlfriend  x reader scenarios DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now