The people in the restaurant looked at the Uchiha bewildered and then bowed in respect; entirely dismissing the fact that he just broke the door down; except the manager who trying to figure a way to blame this on the demon so that he could get some money in the name of repercussions.

"Dobe is it true that-"All Sasuke remembered was going to the blond in order to grab him by the neck so that he could get some answers; the next thing he knew, he was getting acquainted with the tiled floor which cracked as his face met with it.

The onlookers was surprised seeing their precious Uchiha get slammed to the ground like an amateur by one of the blonde's bodyguards while the other stood protectively in front of the blond. The others were feeling very grateful that they hadn't attempted the same thing earlier even if they felt like teaching the blond a lesson.

Sasuke glared at the black suited man looking down at him from his black sun glasses. His sharingan flared to life and to his utter surprise it flared out just as quickly. Unknown to him the guard was using a medical technique to cut his chakra flow to his eyes, thus deactivating the sharingan. The guard was yet to let go of the downed Uchiha's neck.

Throughout all this Naruto stood there with an amused smirk.

"Sasuke!" The pink haired banshee entered and screamed seeing the Uchiha on the ground. She was followed by Kakashi and Sai.

"Release him this instant!" Sakura screamed her hands glowing with green chakra, as she got ready to pound the guard who dared harm Sasuke. The guard didn't move. Kakashi stepped forward with his single eye narrowed.

"Release Sasuke at once or you will be arrested for violence against a Konoha shinobi." He said with authority. This meant nothing to the guard.

A soft chuckle cracked the tension that was permeating the restaurant, "Let the Uchiha go, Keiran."

Naruto softly said to the black haired bodyguard. Keiran as the guard was now known released the Uchiha instantly and was by Naruto's side with his red haired counterpart.

Sasuke stood up and glared and turned on his sharingan which activated much to his relief.

"Rey, Keiran we are leaving." Naruto said ignoring the shinobi who were staring at him. Rey; the red haired bodyguard and Keiran; the black haired bodyguard silently followed their leader as he was about to walk out the door, in front of which the shinobi was standing.

As Naruto was about to pass by her, Sakura made to grab his hand; this interpreted by Rey.

Sakura glared at the guard, she used her super strength to try and force the guard to let her go, but she failed miserably. It seems that the red head had a level of chakra control that surpassed even Tsunade and using his chakra perfectly he negated her super strength easily, without it she was not really that strong.

Naruto was still amused, Kakashi could see this and he narrowed his eyes at the blond, Naruto looked at him and smirked.

"Naruto..." Kakashi began, "You have really changed."

Naruto only raised his eyebrow, not really feeling like giving a verbal answer.

"Is it true?"

Naruto looked at the Uchiha who asked the question.

"Is it true that my brother is dead?"

"Your brother? Oh you mean Itachi! You two are so different that I rarely think of him as your brother anymore. And no, he's not dead." Naruto answered casually.

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