"You stood by my side all these years while I reaped the benefits of destruction and now that I'm trying to protect the people that I put in harm's way, you're going to walk out?" Tony asked almost bitterly.

"You're gonna kill yourself, Tony. I'm not going to be a part of it." Pepper denied.

"I shouldn't be alive." Caleb briefly closed his eyes at his father's sentence. "Unless it was for a reason. I'm not crazy, Pepper. I just finally know what I have to do. And I know in my heart that it's right."

Pepper intensely stared at Tony and sighed. She took the key.

"You two are all I have too, you know." She stayed before leaving.

It was silent for a moment before Caleb tried to lift the mood.

"Well, that was depressing." He muttered, causing Tony to chuckle and ruffle his son's hair.

Pepper got off of the elevator of Stark's Industries and directly walked to Tony's office. She went through a big room and sat, her back to the window, in front of the computer. She opened it and took the USB out of her bag and put it in.

A Warning! appeared on the screen and without Pepper having to do anything, the USB hacked into the computer. She went through the files, starting with the ghost drive.

Then she got sector 16 where suit plans where shown on the screen.

"Sector 16?" Pepper muttered. "What are you up to, Obadiah?"

Next file, terrorists were talking to a camera in another language with a man hidden under a bag.

They took off the bag to reveal Tony. Pepper opened the translator and the man's voice changed to English.

"You did not tell us that the target you paid us to kill was the great Tony Stark. As you can see, Obadiah Stane, your deception and lies will cost you dearly. The price to kill Tony Stark has just gone up."

Pepper stopped the video and copied everything on the drive.

"So, what are we gonna do about this?" The voice of Obadiah suddenly said, startling Pepper. "Hmm?" He walked towards the desk, but stopped to pour himself a glass of alcohol. "I know what you're going through, Pepper. Tony. He always gets the good stuff, doesn't he?"

Pepper nervously smiled.

He poured himself a glass and Pepper covered the USB with a journal.

As Obadiah was walking towards the screen, Pepper discreetly placed the screen back so it showed off the lock screen which was Tony's favorite car.

"I was so happy when he came home. It was like we got him back from the dead." He sat down on the desk. "Now, I realize, well, Tony never really did come home, did he? He left a part of himself in that cave. Breaks my heart."

"Well, he's a complicated person." Pepper softly said. "He's been through a lot. I think he'll be alright."

"You are a very rare woman." Pepper faked a smile. "Tony doesn't know how lucky he is."

The two laughed, but it was obvious it was fake.

"Thank you." Pepper said. "Thanks." She pushed her chair while standing up, taking the USB still discreetly. "Is better get back there."

She left while putting her bag on her shoulder, but Obadiah held her back for a second.

"Is that today's paper?" He asked her.

She quickly stopped before turning around with a smile.


"Do you mind?" He asked, holding his hand towards her.

"Not at all." She handed it to him.


"Of course." Pepper said, before leaving.

"Take care." Obadiah said as he watched her walk out.

Pepper looked at the USB in her hand and Obadiah opened the computer and swore when he saw that the download had been completed to 100%

"Miss Potts? We had an appointment." Said Agent Coulson, sitting on one of the sofas. "Did you forget our appointment?"

"Nope, right now. Come with me." Pepper said, not even stopping to glance at him.

"Right now?"

"We're going to have it right now. Yep. Walk with me." Coulson stood up and followed her. "I'm going to give the meeting if your life. Your office."

The Trickster (Iron Man 1) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now