I made a face. "What do you mean, under his spell?"

"Like I told you before you took the class, this guy is the resident sexy professor of infamy. He's famous on campus for being hot and unobtainable. Since he was hired, there's always a story floating around about students—both undergrad and post grad—throwing themselves at him and being unceremoniously rejected, and then reprimanded and reported for their shenanigans."

"What kind of shenanigans?"

"When I told my friend Darcy—you know? From poly sci?—when I told her you were in his class, she told me a story about a girl last year who waited for him—naked—in his office. He was giving a tour to the foreign language endowment chancellor and . . ." Emily pursed her lips, giving me a meaningful look. "Let's just say it was awkward in every language."

I winced, on behalf of Luca but also on behalf of the girl. "That's terrible."

"Yeah, but not the first or the last time he'll have to deal with naked students or unrequited crushes. I guess I'm surprised you'd be so agitated by the power of a pretty face." She reached for and patted my hand. "But, in your defense, his face is exceptionally pretty."

I absorbed this information, my mind tripping over the words unobtainable and unrequited, thinking back to Luca's email earlier in the evening.

I hadn't read the message outside the lecture hall. I'd waited until I was away from Taylor and in the safety of my own car, then I devoured it. It had read,

Dear Anna,

There is a matter I need to discuss with you. I'll be in my office after class.


"Sorry to burst your bubble."

I blinked at my friend. "What?"

"Your bubble. Your fantasy bubble that had you and this Russian Lit guy moving off the grid and quoting depressing gothic romance to each other." Emily grinned at me teasingly.

Before I could stop myself, I asked, "But let's just say—for the sake of argument—he was interested in me."

Emily grinned. "Oh, I like this game. Like, what is the first thing you'd buy if you won the lottery?"

I shook my head, but said, "Fine. Okay. Like that. Theoretically, let's say Luca—"

"Luca?" She giggled. "Oh, are you two are on a first-name basis?"

Releasing a pained sigh, I debated whether or not to show her the emails and tell her about the kisses.

Kisses. As in plural of kiss.

Kisses that I couldn't keep myself from daydreaming about or reliving in the privacy of my bedroom . . .

"Just, humor me." I endeavored to smile at my friend. "Let's say Professor Kroft was interested in me, what should I do?"

"Other than sit on his face?" She pursed her lips together, considering. "Maybe tie him up and take lots of pictures? Of course, pretend Professor Kroft would totally be into it."



"Be serious."

"I can't. This is a fantasy."

My sigh this time sounded more like a growl. "I need your help. I need you to listen and be serious for a minute."

Emily's grin faded and her eyes passed over me, dimmed with concern. "Fine. Let's be serious." Her words were halting.

Nobody Looks Good in Leather Pants (or bowties), Dear Professor Book #1Where stories live. Discover now