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next thing I know I'm in the hospital on a bed. I don't feel like complete shit which is good I guess. But seconds latter a lady walks in the room with long brown hair down to her waist and a petite figure. "Hello Madeline,I'm Lisa. I work for an orphanage and I'm sorry to tell you that we are going to have to bring you there due to your mother and father"she said with a somewhat caring look on her face. See I don't understand that,like she acts like she cares but we all know she's just doing it to get money. "Ok" I say sadly. In all honesty I don't really give a shit they wherent that good of parents anyway. "You will be leaving today. We already have your things packed and ready. See you!"she said almost too happily as she walked out of the door.


I'm definitely NOT looking forward to staying here for god knows how long!
All the kids here are super annoying although some seem pretty cool. But I definitely will not be talking to them any time soon since I have Social anxiety and could have a panic attack,so that's a thing. A lady I haven't met yet leads me up to a room with a bunk bed and a small table pushed up against the wall. "You can get unpacked. You have a room mate,her name is Isabella,I think you too will get along. Now,get yourself comfortable"she says in a dead ass voice,ya she doesn't like her job. I start unpacking my things and see that they had packed my small cigarette box that I like to keep meaningful things in. I drag my hand across the top to feel for my razor and rub my finger tips across the smooth metal,it's a bad habit I know but it helps me cope with the pain and that's all I care about. I put the box in one of my drawers and put my cloths in it covering it up to make sure no one finds it. Once I'm done packing my cloths I lay on the bottom bunk and drift off to sleep.

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