Too Much Knowledge

542 31 4

"Dismiss!" said Rook. One by one, people absorbed their demons and chatted about what happened. The nobles were boasting about how amazing the trip was, but Erin could hear faint whispers about how they caught nothing.

"Hey!" said Maria, snapping him out of the eavesdropping. "Guess what?"

"What?" Rory said.

"I got a demon!" Maria said proudly.

"Really?" Fletcher asked.

"Yeah!" Maria said. "Look." A Mite whizzed around Maria's head. It had the color of a fiery gold, and its energy was just like Maria.

"You got a Mite?" Seraph asked. He didn't sound impressed.

"Duh," Maria said. "It's great for scouting, and it's supposed to have an excellent stinger. I wouldn't trade Goldie for the world." She gazed brightly at the demon before absorbing it too. Rory and Genevieve also smiled proudly. They were happy that someone appreciated the weakest demons.

"Get out already!" Rook growled. The students took heed and left quickly. After turning in every direction possible, they finally reached the room for Demonology.

"This is it," Othello said. It was a big classroom with rows and rows of chairs and table tops. Students filled them lazily, and they pulled out crumpled paper and worn quills. The ring leader here  was an old man in the middle, complete with a tomato for a nose and white hair. Listening carefully to the complaints and mild curses, Erin figured his name was Goodwin.

 "I hope all of you have studied for the test today," Goodwin said. Erin's curiosity of this class fell into zero, possibly the negatives. No wonder the whole class was down; the tests were not appreciated. The old royals rolled their eyes; Rory, Atlas, and Fletcher looked grief-stricken. Seraph, Maria, and Genevieve didn't change their ways, but Othello and Sylva had confidence in their eyes, as if they were waiting for this their entire lives. As for Erin, he was just a bit panicky.

Goodwin, however, was quite ready. "Mr. Autre and Ms. Esperanzo," he said. "You two will be reading notes that would be gladly shared by your classmates." He gave a menacing stare to every student, and there was a mountain of notes in no time.

Erin sighed at the stack. It was going to take forever, no doubt. Nonetheless, he picked up a random sheet of paper.

- key in supporting spellcraft and etherwork
- concerns the identification, understanding, and upbringing of all demons
- the study of the geography and diversity of the ether

Useful, but Erin didn't study like that. On to the next one. He scoured the pile and picked up another one.

Mightes r d mos--

Nope. Erin scanned the papers again before slowly plucked a sheet out. He sighed in relief and began to read the notes he actually agreed with.

Shrikes - Level 4

These birdlike demons migrate annually across Hominum's part of ether, making entry extremely dangerous for one week out there. Well known for their long black feathers, their wingspan is as wide as a man is tall with each wing's endmost feathers tipped with bleached white. A Shrike's beak is curved cruelly, with a bright red wattle underneath its neck and a red ridge along the top of its head like a rooster.

Erin let out a little yawn, causing a disturbance among the test-takers. He shrunk into his seat more and continued to read.  Despite how easy it was to understand the notes, it was making him sleepy; it was not a good combination with an up-all-nighter. He was also pretty sure that most of his energy was sapped during the previous lessons. Nonetheless, he was going to get over it. "Onward" was the only word echoing in his mind.

'Kay, that's a lie. "Sleep idiot" was there too, but he had to ignore that.

Salamander- Level 5

Salamanders are extremely rare and do not exist in Hominum's part of the ether. Not much are known about their habitat, only that Orcs have captured them in the past, but even then there have been little sightings. They are...size...ferret...

Erin shook his head. He could not sleep now. He continued to read, trying to keep his eyes open.

They are the size of a ferret, with a similarly lithe body...limbs...enough...they...

Maybe he could steal a nap; only a little nap. Erin rested his head on the table and hid his head with the paper. It was just a little nap...






Erin fell off the bench and landed on his back. Royal laughs followed the accident, and Erin knew his face was redder than the teacher's nose.

"Would you like to explain?" Major Goodwin asked.

"I was...sleepy," Erin replied. Another round of insults and laughs. Another wish to go into a hole and die.

"Well, since you study so well, care to tell everyone about Shrikes?" Major Goodwin suggested. He looked eager to embarass this student.

Erin searched his mind for the answer. He knew he studied this, but his brain was still recovering. C'mon, think! You sort of know this answer...

"Shrikes are, uh, bird like creatures."


"They migrate."

"What else?"

"Their wings are long."

The teacher began to look frustrated with every answer. "Can't you be more in depth?"


It was the end. Erin bit his tongue. He went to far. Major Goodwin was bound to blow. The twins were laughing their head off. His friends either looked away or gave him pitied looks.

"Well," Major Goodwin said, "perhaps you can be better when you turn in an essay about every demon tomorrow. Now, back on the lesson..."

The rest was ignored. Demonology officially became Erin's least favorite class in the whole school.


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