Just a Couple of Words...

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The whole group was so loud on the way to dinner. Many gave them weird looks, and others were astonished that nobles were with them. Erin finally felt happier, but he noticed the look on Fletcher's face. He looked confused and bewildered as the other people that stared at them.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Erin said. He wore the friendliest smile he can wear. It didn't take a lot of effort; he was the happiest he has ever been.

"I'm fine," Fletcher said. He forced a smile, and he began to have fun with the rest of them. Erin, however, saw through Fletcher's act. It was the same smile everyone did at his village when they lied or tried to comfort him, and Erin already knew how to pull off the I'm-fine-don't-be-suspicious act. He couldn't be lying, Erin thought. Right? Erin tried to shake it off, but it still haunted him.

"We're here," Emma said. The dining hall was gigantic with high ceilings. There were several tables that hosted the first and second years. Servants bustled up and down the long tables as they served the food under a statue's eyes.

"It's Ignatius, the founder," Emma explained. "He-"

"Emmy!" someone yelled. They turned around to see several nobles call out to the girl. Some looked disgusted, whereas others were staring at them with curious eyes.

"Gotta go," Emma said. She strolled off and gave an unwanted glare to her other friends.

"Well, that was nice," Erin mumbled. Nonetheless, they settled down onto one part of the tables. All of the nobles started a new wave of stares since Maria was sitting with them. After a zillionth of a second, an elder approached them.

"Miss Esperanzo, what are you doing here?" a teacher asked. He was like a tall stick, but his beady eyes could create fear wherever it went. Erin instantly hated and feared this guy. He could tell the others did too. Fletcher was giving a deadly stare as the rest were either scooting away or giving a few angry glances. The nobles were smiling, and Maria was no exception.

"Ah, Mr. Rook!" Maria chattered. "I had no idea you were a teacher! I'm just sitting with a few friends. I hope that's not a problem Sir."

"Well," Rook said, "I would recommend that you would sit with a more appropriate crowd. Isadora is a close friend, no?" He gave her an intimidating look, but the young noble was unfazed.

"Oh, no worries Sir," Maria said, "I'm quite fine with this. If I am to be a battle mage, I must learn to be cooperative with my fellow soldiers, whether it is a dwarf, elf, or commoner. From your experience and high position, I would expect someone like you to understand. Am I correct?" She gave a sweet yet wicked smile, and Rook was stunned. Most nobles gaped at her backlash, but a few nobles and commoners were smirking at the sight. Even a few teachers couldn't help but smile.

"Very well then," Rook responded. "Enjoy your dinner." He walked away furiously as Rory let out an audible whistle.

"You sure taught him," Seraph said. The servants were giving them porridge and some fruits, but they gave Maria a good chunk of meat and salad. Maria said a quick thank you, and, without anyone looking, divided her food among the group.

"Thank you," Rory and Atlas said. They had the meat stuffed in their mouths.

"Uh, your welcome," Maria said. She began to back away from the hungry boys. They could tell her noble instincts were kicking in.

"So, where are you from?" Genevieve asked. She also began to create more space.

"Oh, from Specia," Maria said. "It's very beautiful. Lot's of flora and fauna. I'm a close to the forest, however. My parents get worried about that; they think orcs and, uh, others might come from there." She avoided eye contact with Sylva for a while, and Sylva did the same.

"What do your parents do for a living?" Seraph asked. He seemed particularly interesting in it.

"Oh, that?" Maria said. "Well, they work with the Forsyths and all. They're trying to eliminate the competition and create more weapons to ensure our state." She was very careful with what she said; it was clear she had to keep some secrets.

"Really?" Seraph asked. He seemed jittery and nervous suddenly. Maria didn't notice, but it made Erin a bit suspicious.

"And how 'bout you?" Maria asked Erin. "Surely you have something to talk about."

"Uh, I live in Hosenium," Erin said, "and my, um, parents are farmers and bakers." He used parents sarcastically, and the others were thrown off.

"Do you have a grudge or something?" Atlas asked.

"Atlas!" Genevieve hissed.

"Uh, something like that," Erin said. "I just figured out I'm an a-"

"Don't say that," Sylva warned. Maria covered Erin mouthed and made sure no one heard that. Fletcher had a surprised look on his face, and the rest gave a nervous aura.

"Why?" Erin asked after he pried Maria's hand off.

"You don't know the law?" Fletcher asked.

"Law?" Erin asked. Did I break it?! Erin thought. Inside, he was panicking and becoming a nervous wreck, but he appeared to be just confused.

"Long story short, you're not suppose to be here," Seraph whispered. "There was a man who made something happened, and many mistresses demanded that their children don't come here and fight."

"So let me get this straight," Erin said. "I'm-"

"Good evening, -" one of the men said. Despite his old appearance, he was stern in every way. One could guess that the years of war and bloodshed changed the man.

"Why do people interrupt me?" Erin mumbled. Sylva shushed him, and they started to pay attention.

"-as you may have noticed, I have called all of you at the same time again," the man continued. "Due to some complications, we have to send some of you to the frontlines early. This includes second years and first years."

The crowd of students gasped and rapidly began to talk among themselves.

"Quiet!" the man yelled. When everyone settled down, he said," You will be sent based on your performance and grades here. We will also let the first years have field trips to the frontlines, as well. When you have reached the requirements in the army's eyes, you will be sent immediately."

"Which commission would we be put in, Provost Scipio?" a second year asked.

"Wherever you belong," the Provost answered. "It is based on your performance. You could be placed a level lower than a first year if you are that terrible."

The majority of the second years bristled at the answer and sent deadly glares to the first years, particularly the smirking nobles. Emma, however, smiled at the comment and nodded in whole-hearted approval.

"If that is all, I would like to welcome Maria of the Esperanzo family and Erin Autre," the Provost said. "I've heard great things about the both of them, so I expect more." He sent a somewhat friendly smile to the newbies, but the other students were either snarling at their direction or pointing at Maria and gossiping about her family.

"Now go study," the Provost ordered. The students, with respect and fear, left the dining hall as they talked and strategize possible hacks and sabotage. Everyone was surely going to be busy tomorrow.


Ta-da! Here's the chapter! I've been hanging onto this for a while now, so you can guess I was waiting for the competion to be over. I'll try to update this more often; Honest!

Congrats to everyone, loser or winner! In the end, we all win something.

Okay, that was cheesy, but it's true!

Comment. Vote. Follow. Keep Reading and Writing!

Secret Demons (A Summoner FanFic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें