"He is hemorrhaging like crazy. I'm not going to let him bleed out down here. Suction. More laps" Owen says

"He's got a depressed skull fracture. He needs a C.T." I say

"Look Owen you know I can do this. Let me stabilize him" Riggs says

"Riggs, this is the plan. Get on board or get out. Better yet just get out. Kepner, over here" Owen says before April joins us

"To hell with this" Riggs says obviously frustrated before he storms out of the room as we continue working on the patient. We take some scans before we rush him up to surgery. Maggie ended up taking Riggs spot once we began operating and after hours in the O.R. we successfully complete the surgery before taking the patient to recovery.

"ICP is normalizing. This drain is doing the trick" I say as we check the patients post op vitals

"We'll observe him tonight and we'll take him up to the O.R. to repair his liver lac tomorrow. Kepner, you free" Owen asks

"Yeah, just let me know" she nods

"Great and I can scrub in and remove the drain at the same time" I say

"Okay" April nods handing me the iPad before she leaves the room to tend to other patients

"So I see that Amelia's back" Owen says. Between everything that's went on with Riggs and Amelia drinking again, her and Owen ended up breaking up. They obviously still care about each other though and Owen is always asking me about her.

"Yeah, today's her first day back" I smile

"How is she? Does she seem okay" he asks

"She seems like she's back to normal, but we haven't really talked besides about work so I can't really tell" I say

"You two still not back on good terms" he asks

"I don't know. We just haven't really talked. With everything that went on with Meredith recently we haven't gotten the chance to" I shrug

"That's understandable, but I was wondering if you don't mind maybe you could talk to her and see how she's really handling everything that's been going on" he says

"I don't know about that Owen. You know that the last time Amelia and I had a real conversation it didn't end well and I'm not stuck on it, but I'm also not opening myself up to any unnecessary confrontation or stress" I say

"I understand that, but I'm just concerned about her" he says

"Of course you are, you love her. Look I'm not saying I'll go out of my way to have a conversation with her, but if I get a chance or she wants to talk to me I won't shut her out" I say

"Thank you" he smiles

"No problem" I nod. I finish helping Owen check the patients vitals before walking to the front desk.

"Hey, do you have plans tonight" Maggie asks

"Nope, why" I ask

"I wanted to invite you to Mers tonight. I'm having this little get together just to show her some support now that she's back at work after everything that happened" she says

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