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It was the day after the party. I hadn't slept at all. Jaeden must hate me. I hate myself.
I liked the kiss.
I wasn't supposed to but I did. I can't go to school today. I can't face him.


I slowly open up my eyes, feeling a cold solid floor under me. Had I fallen off while sleeping? I honestly couldn't remember.
I have a huge headache. I can't go to school today. I can't face him.
"Mom!" I yell as loud as I can. My voice was so horse from all the crying I did last night.
"Yes Denny?" She came in the room.
"I have a huge headache and I feel achy. Can I stay home today?" She gave me a sympathetic smile.
"Of course, honey." I felt so relieved.
"Thanks, mom." She smiled and exited the room. I pulled out my phone and began scrolling through notifications. I had about twenty text messages and only a few from socials.
Sophia: Jaeden are you ok?
Sophia: Jaeden I'm really worried! What happened at the party.
Sophia: You can tell me. What's wrong.
I looked at the texts for a few minutes. Should I tell her?


My mom said I can stay home today because I said I had a stomach ache. She gave in.
It doesn't seem like it but my mom really cares about me. In her own way. Ever since my dad left us when I was 9, it's just been me and my mom. She's pretty much my only family. I love her. And I know she loves me. She's just distant.
I lay in bed staring at the ceiling. A hundred thoughts running through my head. Jaeden being 99.


Why am I thinking about Wyatt so much? But I mean why shouldn't I be thinking about Wyatt? He fucking kissed me. That's not ok. This is his fault. He didn't stop me. He let it happen. Ughhh I'm so mad at him.
But why? It was my fault. I shouldn't have don-
There was a knock at my door. My mom had already gone to work so I had to go get it.
I walk quickly down the stairs to the door, taking a deep breath before opening it.
I gasped.


There was nothing to do. All I could think about was Jaeden. I had to confront him. I had to ask him why he ran out. I got out of bed and headed to the door. Quickly remembering that my mom's off today. Which means I can't leave. At least through the front. I glance at my window. Should I? No don't bitch out. 

I walk over to my window, unlocking it and then opening it. Soon the cold, crisp December air fills the roof, causing me to shiver. I climbed onto the roof and scooted down carefully, making sure I don't fall. Then I climbed down some vines until I reached the ground. I looked up at my window. I exhaled making a big cloud of white from the cold. I put my hands in my pockets and started walking.

• • •

I finally get to Jaeden's house. I felt a rush of butterflies as I got up the courage to knock on his door.

• • •


"Wyatt! What the fuck are you doing here?!" I asked in a whisper yell.
"I need to talk to you. Like, now."
I looked down and shook my head.
"Wyatt, I don't want to talk to you. I can't!" He looked around for a second, then shivered.
"At least let me in." He looked at me in the eyes. I avoided his gaze and looked down.
"Come on Jaeden. It's freezing."
I opened the door just enough to let him in. He took slow steps.
"Ok look. I know you don't want to talk to me but I need you to. What...we the party... was stupid. And it's my fault."
"No, Wyatt it's not. I kissed you first. It's my fault." I felt my cheeks go hot. "How about we just forget about it, ok?"
"JAEDEN DONT YOU UNDERSTAND?!" He yelled, causing me to jump.
"I fucking liked it."
His face was as red as mine.
I liked it too.
"Wyatt if anyone found out, I could be kicked out of my house, my church, and this neighborhood."
"Then they won't find out. I won't let you get in trouble. But goddamnit Jaeden.
I like you."
I was drawn back. He's likes me. Already? We've only known each other for a month.
"Jaeden. I'm not lying. It's ok if you don't feel the same but please don't shut me out. Please" this time I didn't avoid his gaze. I leaped forward and hugged him. Really tight. It felt nice. It felt safe. It felt right.
Oh no...

Word count:811

Y'all Oof. I'm so sorry I haven't been updating. School is stressful. But I will be posting more so get ready for some new updates!!
As always, I love you!!

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