It Was An Accident

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The walk home was quiet. Neither of us saying anything.
"So the party is tomorrow!" Wyatt says nudging my arm. I smile and laugh a little. I don't why but I felt bleh. I had a great day up until the very end. I thought surely it isn't Wyatt. It could never be Wyatt. But what was it? Was it Sadie? Sophia? Maybe it's just one of my mood swings.
We get to my house. I had asked my mom if Wyatt could come over. Of course she said yes. She's really accepting when it comes to me having new friends. I go to open the door, but before I do I turn to Wyatt.
"Ok. I'm just gonna warn you. My mom can say some pretty embarrassing stuff about me so please, if something comes up, don't ask." I say with a serious tone. He nods and we head inside. I can hear my mom singing quietly in the kitchen.
"Mom! I'm home!" I say closing the door.
"Oh!" She says walking into the living room.
"Mom, you remember Wyatt from church." I say looking at Wyatt.
"Of course I remember this handsome boy! Nice to see you again." I blushed. She's so embarrassing. They shook hands.
"Why thank you Mrs. Lieberher!"
"Oh please! You can call me Peyton!"
They smile and chuckle. My mom seemed to really like Wyatt. Maybe it's because he's one of my only two friends that actually go to church.

• • •

We go to my room. I notice as soon as I walk in, Wyatt stands there staring.
"You good, dude?" He looks at me
"Your room is awesome!" He says smiling big.
"It's nothing. All it is is a little big. Bigger than it needs to be." I say looking around. He sits next to me.
"My room is basically a cardboard box so to me, this is the best thing ever." He says, looking around then locking eyes with me. I noticed how deep and auburn brown they were. I could honestly get lost in them.


I look around Jaeden's room, mesmerized. His room was huge.
"My room is basically a cardboard box so to me, this is the best thing ever." I look around one last time then look at Jaeden. We lock eyes. I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks. His eyes were so deep and green. If I looked too long, I could probably get lost.
"So uh, what do you wanna do?" He asked breaking the silence.
"Uh, I a-actually don't k-know." I said stuttering. I was still shook by what happened.
"Naruto?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I smiled big which told him yes. He turned and grabbed the remote for his ap- APPLE TV?!?! Dang this kid has it made.

• • •

We sat on the couch in silence watching the tv. I checked my phone. 7:30. I put it back down, resting my hand towards the middle of the couch.
I feel a tingling sensation in my stomach. I was confused. But then I felt Jaeden's touch my hand for a few seconds then move. I looked at him. I met his gazed. He was blushing hard. And I could feel the heat rise to my face.
"I'm so sorry! It was an accident!" He said getting up from the couch.
"Hey, hey it's ok." I said patting the space beside me on the couch. He calmly sat down.
"Well, ok."

• • •


It was time for Wyatt to go home. I was honestly pretty sad cause we had a good time.
I walked him to the door and we said our goodbyes.
After I closed the door I couldn't help but think about what lead me to touch his hand. I shrugged it off and went upstairs. I felt something when I touched his hand. Like this warm feeling. I didn't know what it meant.


I felt something when I touched Jaeden's hand. And I didn't know what it meant.

Wyatt and Jaeden

But it was a good feeling.

Word count:678
Aahhh guys!! I'm so happy that people are actually reading my book! Thank you! Sorry for the late updates.... family issues. But I'll update as soon as possible!!

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