New people

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I start school today. I'm going to the same school as Jaeden. I was so nervous. I threw on a simple red shirt and some slightly high waisted pants. Paired with my fave watch and some Chucks. I made sure my hair was perfect before walking out of my room. Immediately being greeted by my moms old fashioned camera flashing in my face. The picture slid out the front a few seconds later.
"Mom!" I groaned rolling my eyes. She smiled and stared shaking the small paper so the picture would appear.
"Sorry, honey but I just had to get a first day picture!" She smiled.
"Well I think I blinked. Can we take another one?" I asked laughing. She nodded.
• • •
I grabbed a piece of toast and dashed out of the door. I adjusted my backpack letting my toast sit in between my teeth. Then I see him.
"Hey Jaeden!" I call out. He turned around and smiled. "Hey dude!" He said. I stood next to him at the bus stop. He was wearing light blue skinny jeans and a light grey jumper. Overall looking so soft, delicate and beautiful. Wait, beautiful? Shit. I don't like boys.

We started talking about the party on Wednesday. I told him how introverted I was and how hard it was to get out and go places (Relatable). He said he felt the same way sometimes. The bus came within 5 minutes. I really didn't want it to come. I just wanted to talk to Jaeden forever. We got on and found a seat near the back. The bus shook to a start. We were pretty much silent the whole ride. The comfortable kind of silence.
We got to school and went to his locker.
"Show me your schedule." He said shortly, holding out his hand. I gave it to him then slid my hands in my pockets. He started reading. A grin appeared on his face. Immediately I knew it was good news.
"Dude we have almost every class together. Except for elective because you're new so you have to take gym." He said chuckling. His laugh is, well, cute. What? No. In a friendly way of course.
• • •

Is was 3rd period. I found myself starring at Jaeden a lot. But only because I kept getting lost in thought. Occasionally, he would catch me staring. How embarrassing.
Finally. 5th period. Lunch time. My least favorite period. I hate eating in front of people.
I went through the line then walked out into the cafeteria. I looked around. As I was walking, I felt something hit my back, hard. I turned to look. Someone had thrown an apple at my back. I boy with black curly hair turned to his friends and started laughing. Their group consisted of a red head, short freckled boy, and a girl with a British accent. I walked away quickly. I found Jaeden sitting with a girl with red hair. Then I knew who it was. It was the girl he was talking to at church. The one that gave that weird feeling in my chest.
I sat next to Jaeden. He didn't acknowledge my existence 'til I said something. Then he turned to me.
"Oh hey, Wy!" He said with a smile. That nickname made my stomach jolt. I liked it a lot. I had only ever been called Wyatt.
After he talked to me, he turned back to the red head. Who for reason was glaring at me. I shrugged it off and continued eating.

• • •

I was standing at my locker when heard a voice a voice behind. I turned to see Wyatt talking to Sadie Sink. How was he talking to her? She was one of the most popular girls in school. When he saw me he smiled. They were laughing about something, but I didn't catch what it was.
"Hey, Jae!" He said smiling his cute grin of his. What?
"Hey! I didn't know that you guys were friends." I said scratching the back of my neck. He nodded.
"Yeah, we met in Chemistry! We're partners!" Sadie nodded.
"Well hi Sadie! How's your brother?"
"Still a dick as usual." She said sighing.
"I'm sorry." I said closing my locker. She shrugged.
"Eh, I'll get over it. But hey I got to go. I don't want Billy to yell at me." She said touching our shoulders.
"Bye!" We said in unison.
With that, me and Wyatt made our way home.
Word count:746
Sorry for the slow updates. I've been busy with school. But I'll make more soon!

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