1. Prisoners

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(Y/n)'s POV

"What's your name dear."

"Does it matter?"

"Well, most people don't like it when I keep on calling them my 'pet'."

"I don't care, I won't be here for long."

"Whatever you say, pet."

I look at the man in front of me. He has a mischievous smile on his face plastered. His black hair reached till over his shoulder and his hands were behind his back. Obviously Asgardian.

I on the other hand, was wearing black skinny jeans and a black flannel. It was Midgardian clothing. My hair was short, I had cut it when I started working so it wouldn't come in my face when I was doing my job. I also wore black boots that fitted my outfit.

I was thrown in this cell after I was caught. I had almost murdered my victim when a man with a red cape and looked like he had an ego that could reach from Midgard to Jotunheim hit me with a hammer. Killing Odin, the All-father of Asgard, could've made me rich. It's crazy how much people want to pay me for his head. But the guy with the hammer and the cape had caught just before I could stab the old guy. They then had thrown me in a cell with this loser.

Attractive loser though.

"Stop that," I silently muttered to myself.

"What was that?" The man asked, slightly lingering forward.

I ignored him and wandered around the room, searching for an escape. I heard the man sigh and I turned around.

"Can you please stop that for a second?" I asked him, annoyed.

"Stop what, pet?" He asked, his mischievous smile back on his face.

"You're annoying, now stop making sound."

I continued exploring the room. When I reached the wall, I noticed a small split in it. I reached to it, but when a hand roughly grabbed my wrist, I stopped.

"Don't." He told me, still holding my wrist.

"Don't you want to escape?" I asked him and looked at him like he's completely nuts. Which he is.

"That's not an exit, my pet." He was still holding my wrist, now even firmer than before. Not wanting to admit that he hurt me, I slapped him. He looked shocked and I expected him to let go, but he didn't. Instead, he gripped me even tighter. He slammed me against the wall and put his hand on my mouth. My eyes widened at his actions.

"You better start being nice to me, or this will be even worse than you expected it to be. Do you understand?" He whispered the last thing in my ear.

Two can play this game.

I bit his hand hard and he let go, shock was seen on his face. I did a few steps back and he looked at me angrily. He stepped towards me and I grabbed his arm. Roughly I forced it behind his back so I was behind him and was able to whisper in his ear.

"If you think that I'm here for being a pathetic, little, girly girl then you're wrong," I hissed in his ear, "now here's the deal, I'm going to let you go and you won't touch me again. Otherwise, I will make your stay here a living hell, do you understand?"

The man chuckled slightly and I let go of him.

"I like you."

"And I don't like you."


It was an uncomfortable night as there was only one bed and, obviously, the guy had claimed it. I still don't know his name.

But it didn't matter, I don't sleep much anyways. I had been watching the green-clothed man the entire night. I do not trust men, especially not this one. For what crimes could he be in this cell? His cell wasn't as blank as the other ones. This one had chairs and piles with books.

Even though I could've sat in one of the chairs, I chose to sit in the corner with my back against the wall. This way, I could watch easily the entire cell. The man, who I'm now going to call Mr. Green, just slept normally. I just sat there, in my corner, leaving myself to my thoughts.

It must've been around midnight when I was thinking back about the little split in the wall. I checked Mr. Green if he was really sleeping and when I was sure, I slowly walked towards it. I was about to open it, when a hand covered my mouth and dragged me away. I was turned around and saw guards surrounding me. My eyes widened in shock and I tried to scream, I tried to bite the hand that covered my mouth. But the guard wore gloves. Damnit, I thought, just before someone knocked me out.

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