Character Info

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Name- Akuma Akabane

Assassin Name- The Angel's Demon Rose

Hair- Long black to silver normally in a high pony tail with some left down to frame her face.

Eyes- Left eye is gloden while the right is black

Skin- Pale porrcloin skin

Clothes- Normal- Black jacket with a crop top and tight fitting skinny jeans. Lace up knee lenght black combat boots. Always has a rose locket and a bracelet she got from her brother.

School- Black jacket with a white tight fitting button up shirt and gray jeans with her normal combat boots and bracelet and necklace.

Ninja- Black hooded crop top that is sleeveless
with fish nets underneth. ends in the middle of her rib cage. Black short skirt or shorts with black knee lenght ninja boots. Bandages around both legs with ninja pouches and normally carries a gun or two with even more weapons with her.

Family- Mother- Dead

Father- Unknown(will find out later in the story)

Half Father- Dead

Twin Half Brother- Karma Akabane- Alive

Likes- Pranks, causing trouble, Karma, anime(shh don't tell anyone else), sweets, fighting. martial arts, sleeping

Dislikes- Spicy food, being woken up(Blood type AB), bullies, drunks, prostitutes, perverts

Personallity- Sarcastic, easy to anger, don't want to piss off, lazy, mischievous, rude, bipolor, crazy, sadistic, laid back, playful, normally late and rarely comes one hour after she is supposed to be there, boyish

Info- Her mother had an affair and gave birth to both her and Karma. Both have different fathers but have the same mother. They both take after their fathers but their eyes or eyes and Akuma's hair. She got the black hair from her mother along with the one golden eye and her porcluion skin. Her sliver hair and black eye is from her father along with most of her personlaity. Karma only got their mother's golden eyes and the rest is from his father. they grew up with Karma's birth father who did drugs and over drank. He beat Akuma for having her killed their mother and the fact that her father was the one who stole the heart of the one he loved. He died when she decided she had enough and put some poison in his sake and told Karma the real reason why she had so many sacrs when she was 7. They only trust each other and show their true personalities to each other when they are alone. They were left with all of their mother and father's stuff like money and moved out of the old house that they lived in and moved to a comfortable apartment in Tokyo. She doesn't sleep cause of all of the nightmares she gets from when her step father beat her and getting hurt from the people in the small town they lived in.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2019 ⏰

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