Chapter 33: Hit Me

Start from the beginning

The closer that I got towards the north tunnel, the more and more dread that started to fill in my stomach at the thought of fighting Thor. I really didn't want to fight him not only because I knew him, but also because if he was telling the truth about being the God of Thunder, then technically that hammer in the crater belonged to him if it was Mjolnir. And I wasn't particularly fond of the idea of trying to prevent Thor from taking what was his...

Trying. Try. I almost slip over in the mud as my mind jumps on something that I hadn't really thought of until now, though once I do my dread slowly disperses as I think silently to myself as I continue forward. Coulson had simply asked me to try and take down Thor. He wasn't expecting and counting on me to do so: but he was expecting me and counting on me to at least try. Which meant that if I did go up against Thor and happened to lose... well, Coulson technically couldn't get mad at me AND I wouldn't be disobeying my orders...

A plan quickly formulates in my mind as I quickly throw the staff in the entrance of the tunnel so that I now had free hands. Once the staff lands with a clatter I quickly shrug of my jacket and let it fall to the ground, as I knew that it was only going to slow me down and annoy me. I then rush up the stairs and quickly bend down to grab the staff with my hands again as I run through the entrance of the tunnel, no longer getting drenched by the rain outside. Without a moment of hesitation I take off once more moving as quickly as I could towards the south tunnel where I could hear people yelling and the sound of feet clambering on the metal floor beneath heavy boots. From what I could tell, Thor hadn't managed to reach the center of the tunnels yet. But that was going to change very soon.

I work my way through the North tunnel before I the turn to rush down the west one, where the sounds of the fighting were much louder informing me that I was very close to where Thor was. And sure enough I turn around the last corner just in time to see Thor punch an agent in his face, knocking him out cold and to the ground where he lands with a clatter, Thor leaning over him to make sure that he really was out. Even though I don't make a noise as I slowly start to move towards him and I don't call out to him to let my presence known, Thor seems to sense that I was there as he flings his head back up, an eager smile on his face suggesting to me that he was actually enjoying the fight that the agents were putting up. I watch though as the smile slips off his face and a frown replaces it instead as he realized that I was his new opponent. Its a frown that matches my own, but I somehow still manage to keep moving forward and closer towards him, readjusting the grip on the bostaff so that I was now holding it in two hands, rather than one.

"I do not wish to fight you, Lydia," Thor replies wearily as he stares down at me, the muscles in his arms still tense from the scuffle that he had with the guard moments before. And as I looked up at him, I could clearly see the hesitation in his face which informed me that he was telling the truth: he really didn't want to do this. This was probably a good thing however as it made any doubt that I had about what I was about to do disappear instantly while I readjusted my grip on the bostaff in my hands.

"Neither do I," I inform him through gritted teeth before I then leap into action, swinging the staff into a surprised Thor's leg before then swinging it back up in an arch to knock it against the side of his face. Thor stumbles back though its more from surprise rather than the force of my hit. I hadn't used my full strength against him and I didn't intend to, so the action was more of a love tap then anything else.

"Because I realized..." I start to say as I follow after him where I swing my leg up and deliver a swift kick to his gut, causing for him to stumble back once more and for me to stifle a wince as I lower my foot back down as pain shoots throughout it. Kicking him had been like kicking a brick wall-and it hurt like hell.

"That maybe your story wasn't as crazy as it sounded before," I continue as he straightens back up shooting me a confused look, though I ignore it as I move towards him again, my grip on the bostaff like iron as I inform him almost regretfully, "But we still have to fight."

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