Long time no see

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Chapter 1

Asuna's POV

Damn, these seats are making my butt go numb!

I groaned as I tried to make myself relax but it seemed like the airport seat I was sitting on had other plans. Even on a first class airplane, they have really crappy seats!

I rubbed my temples in frustration as I thought of another way for me to relax in my seat. A couple of minutes later, I gave up and decided to just listen to my iPod throughout the whole plane ride to Japan.

'I wonder how Ryoma's been doing?' I thought to myself, as my eye lids close. Sleep soon enveloped my head and for the first time since I boarded the plane. I felt relaxed.

Japan, here I come!


Ryoma's POV

I think my ears are bleeding.

I felt my eyebrows twitch in irritation when the squealing of my many fan girls grew larger. Nope, I'm pretty sure my ears were bleeding now.

"Freaking girls don't know when to shut up"I muttered coldly. An all too familiar laugh entered my ears and when I looked up, I saw Eiji-senpai with a grin.

"Aww poor Ochibi! Can't even practice right with all his fan girls behind him!" He teased nudging by his elbow.

"Why can't they understand that I need them to leave me alone when it comes to practices?" I asked him, miserably. Another laugh joined in, this time the person slung his arm on my shoulder.

"It's been what? Years? since they've been stalking you! Ever since middle school, you had such a large fan base and now, after entering Highschool that fan base grew even bigger!" Momo-senpai said laughing in between his words.

He was right, really. When I entered Seishun Gakuen in my middle school years, I was popular in both girls and tennis. Although, I've never acknowledge them before because almost all of my attention was on tennis.

Now that I've hit Highschool with my senpais, my reputation as a prodigy at tennis grew.

"I don't even like any of them. All they try to do is get my attention which rarely happens" I said ruffling my hair. The girls squealed louder, and I flinched as the high pierced scream entered my eardrums.

Damn it, my ears are bleeding!

"Aww, come on ochibi! We both know that isn't true! Sakuno's your friend even though she's a part of your fan girls. You never seemed to mind her!" Eiji-senpai exclaimed.

I sighed and coincidently, my eyes landed on a red faced Sakuno. She was fidgeting and from what I can see, Tomaka had dragged her to cheer for me again.

If this continues, I'll get a headache

"We'll be friends forever, right?" A familiar voice echoed in my mind and just hearing her made me let out a smile.

I didn't bother to notice the gasps of my fan girls in the background nor the whispers of my fellow members when I took a trip to memory lane.

"You may be right, senpai. She may be my friend but she's nothing compared to Asuna" I muttered. Soon, their whispers were about the identity of Asuna.

The girls behind us were confused, a mixture of curiosity and frustration were expressed through their faces.

Who's Asuna, you ask?

Well, she's the most important person in my life. We were childhood best friends, until now. We were inseparable when we were kids, both of us can understand each other so easily. She was the first person I've been really close too. My father was actually the one who taught us how to play tennis. It was at that time that our bond as friends grew stronger.

You and I (A Prince of Tennis Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant