"Oh I love her already. Thank you so much."

"I'm a little jealous now." Max joked petting Zelda, "did you see her eyes Airie? They're such a wonderful shade of olive green." I bent back down on my knees by Max and looked at Zelda's eyes, they were such a great shade of green unlike any dog's I ever seen. She was perfect, different and wonderful. She licked my face.

"Put your gun away William. You used to be fun and light." Dad looked pissed, but put his gun away regardless and shut the door, and said, "you nearly gave me a heart attack mum."

Nana laughed, a good hearty rusty laugh that I loved. "What are you waiting for Will? Order some pizza! We are going to be happy tonight. And Airie is going to play for us."

"Come on Airie!" Max said pulling me up the stairs and throwing me in my room. "Get changed and come down to the music room!" He shouted then went down stairs shutting my door behind him. I stood there for a second and shook my head back and forth smiling and sighed, "Max..."

 "He really loves you do you know that?" Came a sweet soft voice.

"Mom?" I whispered... I turned around no longer smiling. There she was transparent but there sitting on my bed. She tilted her head and smiled. "I have missed you and your father dearly. I love you both. I'm happy but not complete, until you can figure out what will satisfy me I won't be able to cross over. I was the spirit healer, but they killed me before I could teach you... You must take my place and heal wandering spirits. Use your powers."

"My powers? How-how do I use them?"

"That's for you to figure out. I'll always be with you..." She faded from view. I sighed, my life was getting way too confusing... I'll have to figure something out. At least I knew that my mom's killer or killers killed her for a specific reason not because they were serial killers... I took two deep breathes to come myself down and got changed into my pj's.

   I went downstairs into the music room where three of my favorite people sat on the couch, all wearing pajamas, waiting for me to begin. I sat down on the piano bench lightly, placed my fingers on the keys in C position and mentally counted four plus one beats. Notes lined up in my mind, they then began to dance to my fingers creating the sound of Let it be.

         Nana, Max and Dad all started to sing each voice harmonizing with the other. It was nice until I heard a perfectly tuned voice ringing threw the air. Mum again sitting beside me moving her hands with mine in perfect time. I knew only I could hear her so I didn't let it bug me. Max stopped singing suddenly, I listened as he left the room. Likely gone to the washroom, was my first thought, there was no way he could hear her...

            I finished the song and went to find Max as the door bell rung. "Pizza's here!" Nana shouted heading for the door. Mum disappeared. I knocked lightly on the bathroom door. No answer so I went up to my room.

"Max?" I pushed my door open and looked at him sitting on my bed.He looked up at me, his face deathly pale. "You look like you've just seen a ghost." I almost laughed at myself.

"No but I think...I think I heard one..." He whispered.

"So you heard my mom?"


"So maybe I'm not the only one that needs to go to a mental institute?" I teased. He laughed sarcastically and pushed me down onto my bed. I sat back up.

"So you've heard her too? Is that why you were talking like she was right there at the funeral?"

"No, i saw her. I just figured out that I can see spirits, talk to them, and apparently heal them..."

"Spirit Healer? My Grandfather told me about them, it was a legend of course. You have to be kidding."

"No I'm not. My mum was a Spirit Healer before, you know.... She passed her powers to me."

"I think I get it now... In the legend there was half demons half humans that killed the top Spirit Healer, her child would be young when it happened and the powers would be even stronger than her mother's. The half bloods would then find the new Spirit Healer and use them to raise their ancesters, evil even more powerful full blooded demons. But each Spirit Healer had a protector that could hear the Spirits. They had powers of their own. So this means Airie that I am your protector and you are the Spirit Healer. This is way too weird for words." Max explained with his head down,

"You're telling me." I grasped his hand tightly and he looked up at me again. He stroked the side of my face. "Together we can do it, we can kill the half bloods that killed your mom."

"Yeah me and you the two shyest people in school are going to save the world right?"

He laughed and stood up,"come on Airie I don't want to end up eating cold pizza."

Spirit Healer Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now