Chapter 2

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                                                                       Chapter 2          

         "I advise to you William that you get your daughter some mental help!" Came a Strong woman's voice all to familiar, my mum's sister, Aunt Marie. I kept my eyes closed feeling the soft satin coach that I was lying on.

"Ariana is just depressed that her mom is gone... I'll decide what's right for my daughter not you!" Dad boomed.

"I'm going to have to hire a shrink for the both of you! You're both insane!" Aunt Marie shouted. I listened to her stomp out of the room with her heavy elephant like footsteps. "Damn women." Dad hissed.

"Is she looking any better Maxwell?" Dad asked carefully.

"No... Sadly not but, I think I saw her hand move." Max explained with a nasally voice. Oh..That's right I punched him...

"Jigs up Airie. I know you are awake." Max said, Crap... I sighed and sat up. Max sat beside me holding a rag to his still bleeding nose.

"I'm so sorry Max..." I whispered looking at him. I hugged him, he sighed and hugged me back.

"You almost broke my nose... But I'll forgive you any how since you are my best and only friend."

              My Dad grumbled something I couldn't make out then stretched back letting out a puff of air, "We should go home now. You need to rest Ariana. Maxwell are you staying overnight?"

"Yeah, I better watch out for Airie, she might decide to faint again. Hopefully she doesn't decide to punch me again though."

"Max..." I whined. "Come on let's get out of here." Dad said leading the way out the door of the funeral home. Max grabbed my hand as we walked out. We got into the car silently, Max had thrown out the rag, but still had crusted dark red blood below his nose. I opened the car door and took my place in the backseat beside Max. He pulled out his MP3 player and handed me an earphone, Live and Let Die was playing by The Beatles. He took my hand again. What a strange feeling to have Max grasping my hand so tightly, we've always been friends and this was the first time he ever held my hand. I loved him as a friend nothing more but this feeling inside me... This buzz, could I love him more than that of a friend or not? I kept thinking this, and asking myself why not?

              I looked out the window noticing for the first time that the Sun was setting, "Max, how long was I out for?"

"As long as it takes for your Aunt to lecture me on how to stop my  nose from bleeding and for her to lecture your Dad on mental institutes for young girls... Give you an idea?"

"Yep," I said. I hated my Aunt, she was plump, idiotic and would never shut up, plus you couldn't even win an argument with her. My mom wasn't that fond of how she treated me, but mom always said that, "your aunt means well she just wants to protect you." Ha yeah right. She wants me in a mental institute because I saw your ghost.

  Dad pulled the car into our driveway, slowing, stopping then turning off the car. I got out brushing myself off. We walked up the steps to the front door... It was wide open and all the lights were on. I was about ready to take off down the street, but Dad stepped in if it wasn't such a big deal. He pulled his pistol out from the side table by the front door and walked in. There was a loud bark and, "It's me Celeste! I brought Airie a present!" My grandma. A golden retriever appeared running down the stairs. "Rrruufff." I laughed and petted it. It licked me. Then I saw Nana.

"Nana!" I shouted and gave her a hug. "That's my girl." She whispered patting my back.

"This is Zelda I got her at the humane society. I thought she'd make you happy."

Spirit Healer Part OneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon