An attempt at espionage

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{Aryann's pov}

After I leave the Baron's office, I run about five paces before deciding to double back and listen to what is being said after my sudden departure. All I hear as I cram myself behind a statue in an alcove, is Ranger Gilan t telling the baron he wants to see him after supper.

I head straight to the courtyard, the jeers of my wardmates would be unbearable. As I clamber up my favorite tree, I reflect on the Ranger's words. As thoughts mull in my mind, I come to the decision that, since I have nothing to lose, I will listen in on their conversation this evening.

I wait until both the Baron and Gilan have gone to supper, then, I slip through the hallways, strangely, fewer gaurds than normal are here. I make it unnoticed to the Baron's office, then I am confronted with a problem, where to hide?

There is a suit of armor in the corner........too obvious, long curtains......what if he opens them?!......I look around in this manner for minutes, until it hits me, no one will look up!

The circular room is at the top of a tower, so the ceiling has a wooden support before the cone--shaped stone roof. The wooden support is a star (*) of huge, thick, square beams. In the center of the star is a large, bright lantern.

If I position myself just above it on the thick central post, then the light will glare around me, hiding me from suspicious eyes.

I climb up the wall, aided by a chair, and curtain rod, until I can pull myself onto the boards. And, not a moment too soon, I hear voices, the Baron's, and Gilan's echo down the stone corridor.


{author's note; I wanted to write this in Gilan's pov, but also wanted you to see what Aryann is thinking, sooo, I am putting Aryann's thoughts in parentheses, and the rest is Gilan. OK? Hope this prevents any confusion. :D}

(Gilan's pov)

The Baron and I, chatting amiably as we walk back from a tasty supper, the baron, I fear, may have had one too many glasses of mead, was acting sober but seemed a touch to lighthearted. We entered the room, and immediately, the baron resumes his normal demeanor.

"So, Ranger Gilan, what is it you were so obliged to talk to me about?"

"Sir, it's about the Aryann girl, the one with no trade."

(hah!Knew it would be about me! )

"yes, yes, shame the poor lass is going to a farm, but no craftmaster wanted her." The baron gruffly replied.

"Well, sir, not all did not want her....."

(*gasp* someone wanted me!?!)

I shifted in my chair, nervous about my decision, it would be a first, and those are always the hardest.  


"Slow down Gilan! You're unintelligible!" The Baron interrupted barkingly.

(did Gilan say what I thought he said! I hope so, I could see myself as a ranger)

"sir," I sighed, catching my breath, "I would like to take Aryann Renaissan as my apprentice in the hope that she becomes a Ranger of the King."

The baron was silent for a long moment after I stated this, a look of deep thought on his heavy features. 

He cleared his throat and, looking sideways at me sighed, "Are you sure about this Gilan, she is a spirited girl, but will she be able to cope with such a staunchly male trade?!?"

"Aryann seems tough as nails, if anyone had to be the first female Ranger's Apprentice, then if would be her. She's already used to unwelcome attention and stares, so she'll have nothing to get used to. I think she'll welcome the cloak as a way to hide her face, too"

(tell me again,why can't I jump down and hug Gilan?)

"Well alright, but if you need to, we can take her back."

Then I knew that I had to do everything to get her through her training, if not to just prove a point to sexist chauvinists. I used to be like that, before I met Cassandra, Alyss, and Pauline.

The Baron left to deal with paperwork, and grab a sweetroll from the kitchens. The moment he was out of earshot, I looked up and called, "Aryann, you can come down now!"

(bloody hell! How did he know I was there!?!)

She kept down in front of me stammering, "Sir, I didn''s...I' didyou..."

"it's alright, curiosity is one of the most important traits a ranger can have, and as to how I knew you were there; I saw a faint footprint on the chair and fingerprints/smears on the curtain rod."

She glances at the mentioned objects and muttered an "oh"

"well," I said, straight to the point, "do you want to be a ranger?"

She nodded enthusiastically and said "I'll be the best female ranger yet."

Ranger's Bane.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang