Chapter 2

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Rome. It's a city of legend with ancient history on every corner, one that everyone dreams of laying their eyes upon at least once in their lives, and we were lucky enough to do so. The arena was going through the load in process, setting up the stage and all electrics that were needed for the show. We, as crew, weren't needed so we got the day off. My intent was to spend the day in the hotel to relax, but Teagan would have none of it. "We have to see the city, Quinn. We're in Rome for god's sake. People only dream of coming here." she complained, practically dragging me out of my bed. So to the city we went, wandering through the streets like the common tourist.

A beaming smile plastered onto Teagans lips as the pair of us walked back to the hotel, a small marble colosseum trinket clutched between her hands. As we rounded the corner of the street, a distant commotion caught our attention. Voices bounced off of the walls of surrounding buildings and a crowd had gathered along the side of our hotel. About three stories up, an unmistakable frame stood in the window.

"Poor guy, can't ever catch a break." I frowned, watching the sea of people ripple like waves in the wind.

"Let's go join them." Teagan smirked, mischief in her eyes.

I tried my hardest to keep her from going, planting my feet like a dog who knows it's going to the vet. She was stronger than me though. Before I knew it we were among the others whose screams echoed in my ears. Teagan's voice joined the chorus, crying out for Michael as she flailed her arms in a desperate attempt to get his attention. It worked. His eyes locked on Teagan and for a split second they flicked to meet my own and a soft smile graced his lips before he turned to part from the window, leaving his fans with nothing but a glass pane to look at.

Nobody left though, if anything, the noise grew louder. The crazed fans desperate to see him again and look at him just a little bit longer as if soaking in the moment so it wouldn't slip away. I tugged at Teagan's arm, hoping she had enough fun for the day and we could leave. Luckily, she followed me and we managed to break from the crowd. Waiting for us at the edge, however, was a man in a black suit who quickly stopped our progression. "Come with me." he directed, guiding us by the arm to the back of the hotel where we could enter through the kitchen.

"Why couldn't we just go through the front door? It's so much closer to our room." Teagan complained, her feet finally weary from the day of walking.

"Don't want any fans following you up to his." The man replied, halting Teagan where she stood. A cook glared at her as he swerved around the sudden roadblock.

"H-His room?" she stuttered. The man just nodded, pulling Teagan onward, then led us through the back rooms that dumped out at the suites. He opened the door and gestured for us to walk in. I crossed in first, then Teagan followed behind and with the soft click of the door, we were alone.

Michael stood at the window again, only taking a second to acknowledge our arrival before waving us to him. "Come look at this, Cherries!" he exclaimed. I stood beside him in the window and looked down at the street where the people still stood.

"Michael, we were just down there. I've already seen this." I said, turning to him.

He shook his head. "No, look." So I did, looking down at the crowd, my mind racing to find what Michael was seeing. Whatever it was must have been important. Frustration boiled inside me the longer I looked without seeing anything. I was about to ask for a hint when finally I saw it. With the way the sun set behind the crowd, long shadows stretched from their feet. Each shadow got lost in another, tangled together as they moved as one. They looked like tree limbs that danced in the moonlight. Swaying and stretching, the shadows became a dance of their own.

"It's beautiful." I whispered, as if speaking too loud would scare the shadows away. Teagan didn't care, she cleared her throat, breaking the silence and suddenly I remembered she was there. I hadn't forgotten, not truly, but staring outside at all those people, I got lost in the painting they created.

"Oh, uh, Michael, this is my roommate and best friend, Teagan." I introduced. Michael smiled with that shy smile only a few people are ever able to see and reached out a hand in greeting. Teagan took the offer and shook his hand. "She's one of your Stagehands for the show." I explained.

"Yes, I've seen you in passing." he replied. "It's nice to officially meet." His attention turned to me then. "And, as much as I like the name Cherries, I think it's time I learned your name." He laughed.

"It's Quinn." I answered. A short moment of silence followed but was soon interrupted by Michael.

"Have you two had the chance to see the city yet? I've heard it's wonderful."

Teagan held out her little trinket for Michael to see and answered. "We were on our way back when we found you."

His hand reached out and traced the marbled edges. "Isn't it fascinating to think we're standing on thousands of years of human history. Massive constructs that have lasted through milleniums. Though, while these buildings are awe inspiring, I've realized something. It's not where cities once stood that tell the most of history. It's those places in the woods where no humanity has made it's mark that the true ancient ones walked. They did not disturb the land, just simply lived alongside it." By now, Michael was holding the minuscule colosseum in his palm, inspecting its design.

We gave no answer to that theory. It needed no follow up. Michael handed Teagan back the trinket. "I suppose I should let the two of you get back to your room now..."

I nodded and thanked him for inviting us, silently wishing we could stay.

"We'll see you tomorrow." I promised, mostly attempting to convince myself, but he smiled anyway. "Make sure you get some rest before the show."

Michael looked at the clock like it was his long forgotten enemy. "I can never sleep before a show... and my adrenaline is too high after a show. I've nearly forgotten what sleep is." He laughed, but exhaustion seeped into his eyes.

"Well, if you ever need some friends to entertain you in the middle of the night, you know where to find us." I proposed. He nodded and with that we were back out the door, winding through the halls to get back to our room.

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