Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans Chapter 20

Start from the beginning

"In a bush after we uh.. scared them off," Nora told me, "We think that Linda Marty dropped when she tried to run away from us."

"Well, no duh! Here, let me see the phone!" I exclaimed, as I grabbed the phone out of Max's hands.

"What are you doing, Sam?" Billy asked me.

"Calling Nora to see if she answers. Maybe I can get her to tell me if they kidnapped Taylor, Frankie, and Cat or not if I pretend to be Linda," I replied, as I tapped on Nora's cell phone number.

I was crossing my fingers as the phone rung, hoping that Linda and Nora weren't in the same place as each other.

"Hello?" Nora replied in her psychotic voice.

"Hey, Nora, it's Linda," I replied.

"Are you sure? You don't sound like Linda."

"I'm positive. It's probably just bad cell phone connection."


"So, where are you!?!?"

"At the hardware store, don't you remember me telling you that when I left?"

I gulped. "Oh yeaahh, now I remember! So where'd you put Cat, Frankie, and Taylor?"

"We put them in your shed in cages, don't you remember?"

"We did? I mean we did!"

Then all of the sudden, I heard Nora gasp, then shout, "OH MY GOSH, YOU'RE NOT LINDA! OH SHOOT!"

"No, no, I'm Linda!"

"I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!" Nora shouted right before she hung up.

I sighed and handed the phone back to Max.

"So, did she tell you anything?" Max asked me.

"Yeah, but nothing much," I answered, "All that I know is that they hid them in a shed in cages at Linda Marty's house."

"So I was right? Nora Dershlit did kidnap Taylor, Frankie, and Cat!"

Phoebe rolled her eyes at Max.

"I was the one who said that, Max," she stated, "But I guess that it doesn't really matter right now; our friends are being held captive at a lunatic's house and we don't even know where it is!"

With that being said, I think that we all grew even more worried than we already were.

"Yeah, you're right!" I agreed, "We need to do something right now!"

"This is starting to become too much for me to handle," Nora stated, "We need to go tell Ms. Hathaway!"

"But how, Nora?" Max asked, "We don't even know where they're staying or what Ms. Hathaway's phone number is!"

"Oh yeah," Nora, Billy, and I sighed.

"I don't know Ms. Hathaway's phone number, but I do know where they're staying!" Phoebe told us.

"You do!?!?" We all asked in shock.

"Yeah, they're staying at a Marriott! She told me that, don't you guys remember?"

"Was it during one of your nerdy conversations?" Max asked, "Because if it was, I probably wasn't paying attention!"

"Max, this is not the time for any of your rude jokes! We need to go tell Ms. Hathaway that her two daughters were kidnapped!"

"Well, saying that they're staying at a Marriott isn't going to help! Do you know how many Marriotts there are, Phoebe!?!?"

"I don't know, probably like a ton. What's the closest Marriott from here?"

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