7 - Don't Be Scared

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean you don't know who you are?" Rose ignores his question and asks him a different one with a tremendous amount of pity. It would be terrible to be stuck somewhere and not remember your own name.

"She won't let me remember." McGee says and Rose frowns.

"Who won't?" Rose asks.

"My sister. I can't do this by myself." McGee says and he looks at the ground.

"Do what?" Rose asks him and he doesn't move it and doesn't speak. "McGee?" She was getting angry that he wasn't answering her questions.

"Find me, Rose. I need you to find where they put me." He looks up and says in a loud, fast tone and it surprised her.

"Like, your body?" She asks nervously and he nods. "How do you expect me to do that?"

"I think I'm on the estate somewhere." McGee says and paces her room. "She failed, you can't fail, Rose. This is important." He says and walks toward her and presses his cold hands down on her shoulders. She felt the coldness of his hands through her shirt and it sank into her bones and made her shiver.

"You must take into consideration that I haven't lived here long. Maybe I can't find it, then what?" She asks nervously. Rose was afraid of the answer because she didnt know how he would react.

"Then... Then I'll have to move to the next person. Johnny?" He says and Rose doesn't like the sound of that. 

"Leave my brother alone, he can't do it." She says and scowls.

"Then help me." He says and crosses his arms.

"Why did they kill you, do you at least remember that?'' She asks quickly has his eyes blacken.

"It couldn't have been my fault. I didn't do amything... I only have flashes, but I can't remember what I did." He says in a whisper and the lights in the room flicker. McGee looks up at the ceiling with wide eyes.

"In this book you said you did a bad thing. Do you have any clue to what that could have been?" Rose asks and picks up his book.

The book flies from her hand and the box gets knocked over and McGee backs up and presses himself to the wall. Rose just stands stick and looks between him and the box.

"They wait for me, but I can't face them." He says and looks out the window. Rose walks over and looks out.

"Who does?" Rose asks. A figure shrouded in light runs down the beaten path to the forest and McGee backs up.

"Rose, I have to make it right. I'm here somewhere, then maybe we can all leave." He says urgently and her heart beat quickens.

"How many of you are there?" She asks in a shaky voice. McGee looks at forest and then back to her.

"No one has ever left." He says and Rose immediately wishes she hadn't asked.

"Rose?" She turns toward the open door when she hears her name and her mother stands there in the doorway with a plate. "You missed dinner. I'm beginning to worry about you. I heard a crash. All this, did you fall?" Maggie asks, referring to the box on the ground.

"I'm fine, mom. It tipped over." Rose says and she glances over at McGee.

Her mother doesn't see him but he stays where he is, unmoving. His blue eyes pierce through Maggie and he looks evil, and Rose got a sense that he truly wasn't evil, but he could be. He was cautious.

"School is tomorrow, I'm hoping you make friends. Good ones this time, no more hoodlums." Maggie says and Rose sighs.

"Of course." Rose says and nods. Rose had trouble making friends, people tended to avoid her as if she were a plague. She didn't mind too much, sometimes.

"I'm serious. This can be a new start for you." Maggie kisses the top of Rose's head and she leaves. She shuts the door the door and Rose sighs.

"You are her shame." McGee says and Rose rolls her eyes.

"How can you tell?" Rose asks and sits on the edge of her bed. She fiddles with the strings of her pajamas and scowls.

"I was in her mind." He says and walks over, placing his hand in her head he stares staring ahead. "I can read her like a book, I can't read you though. She truly worries about you."

Rose didn't like to talk about things like this that much, she felt uncomfortable, so she changes the subject.

"Are you the only... Dead guy here in the house?" Rose asks and he frowns.

"You are quite insulting." He mutters. "There are others out there, hiding. And if you can see me, you can see them. So far you are the only one who has ever been able to see me other than Gwen and Anne." He says.

"Gwen was your sister, so you remember her?" Rose asks and McGee looks at her with sad eyes.

"She was the only thing I could remember, and I killed her." He says softly.

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