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"I don't quite understand." She rolled her eyes, blowing a strand of hair from her face.

"What a surprise." Sarcasm laced her voice, raspy and thick.

"No, you don't get to be like that. Tell me why your here." Another eye roll.

"It's called a haunting sweetheart." My hands flew upward as my exasperation skyrocketed.

"Well why, sweetheart, are you haunting me?!" A small smile tugged on her lips as she continued watching me. I could feel her gaze burn through me as I paced, hands on my hips, gaze locked to the damp floor.

"Cause I like you, Richard."

"Don't call me that."

"I'll call you as I please. I'm the one haunting aren't I?"

"But why?!" Again, she released a huff of air, rolling her tired eyes at me. The more I looked at them, the older they appeared; heavy worn and empty.

"As I was saying, before your rudely interrupted me," she raised a finger, silencing my objection, "I need your help."

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