Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Tiffany’s eyes snapped open and she looked around, Chucky wasn’t in her room but, she could see the light coming from the door of her bathroom that stood ajar. The space between her thighs was slightly sore, and she felt somewhat different. She felt that she missed him on top of her, inside of her. She slipped her black robe on and knocked on the door softly. “Chucky?”

When he didn’t answer, Tiffany walked in. He was facing the mirror, his eyes were slightly shadowed and he looked upset. He turned to face her and gasped, he reached out toward her silently. He looked horrified as he moved closer to her so that he was able to cup her face with one of his hands. “I’m sorry Tiff, this is my fault,” Chucky muttered, rubbing his thumb lightly across her slightly swollen lip.

“I’m okay Chucky. Really I am,” Tiffany reassured him. He had a pair of underwear on but, other than that, he was naked. Now that it was daytime and she could see him, she noticed scars on certain areas of his body. Had his mother done this to him? He did scream mommy out horribly in his sleep.

“Yeah, it was my mom. She was a psychotic abusive bitch. But, I took care of her. Don’t worry about me,” he said, pulling her into his arms.

What did he mean, I took care of her? Tiffany shook the questions from her mind, she didn’t have to worry about that. It wasn’t her business and she didn’t really want to know. Though, something told her that there were a few things she didn’t know about Charles Lee Ray. “Tiff, I have to go. I gotta meet Eddie to take care of some stuff,” Chucky said, referring to his friend Eddie Caputo. Tiffany had gotten to know him too, the three of them hung out quite a lot at school.

He was nice enough, a little creepy maybe but, he was Chucky’s friend so Tiffany dealt with it. “Want to meet up later?” Tiffany asked, as he picked up his clothes off the floor. His hair was damp and Tiffany figured he had showered while she had slept.

“Yeah, me and Eddie will be at the Diner later. See you babe,” he said, giving her a quick kiss before he climbed out of her window. Tiffany ran to the window and watched him run across the lawn before hopping the nauseatingly white picket fence. He never looked back and that made Tiffany a little sad but, she guessed he was still shook up about last night.


“You’re late Ray,” Eddie said, slapping him on his back. Eddie was having a cigarette on the corner of Hobo and Crack-whore. He always met him out in the shadier part of Jersey.

“Shut up Eddie. I was at Tiff’s,” Chucky said, as they walked down the dingy run-down sidewalk.

“Did you finally hit that? Man she has a sweet butt,” Eddie said, making Chucky glare at him.

“You say something about my girl like that one more time and I’ll fucking cut off your dick, shithead,” Chucky growled, making Eddie choke on the cigarette smoke.

“Easy man, I was just joking. Sorry,” Eddie said, as they passed a cheap ten dollar prostitute, clearly coming off an all night fuckfest.

“You boys, looking for company?” she slurred, in a would-be seductive tone.

“Eh sorry no, I have a girlfriend,” Chucky said, as he and Eddie tried to side step the hooker.

“Come on baby, you know you want it, all it takes is twenty bucks,” she said, grabbing his coat and yanking it. She was surprisingly strong for a strung out hooker. Her bony, dirty hands clutched his arm tight and the desperate look in her half crazed, sleepless eyes reminded Chucky all too much of his mother.

“NO! DON’T TOUCH ME!” he screamed, pulling out a knife. Before he knew what was happening, the hooker had let go. She was gurgling helplessly, the knife was sticking out of her chest. Eddie screamed and ran away like a coward as Chucky was left with the dying hooker. “Fuck. Eddie! Don’t leave me!” Chucky screamed after him, but…it was too late. Eddie had hauled major ass and was gone.

He was alone.


“Tiffany, your father and I need to talk to you,” he mother said, as she tried to sneak out of the front door. She was hoping to avoid them, at least till later.

“What do you want?” Tiffany asked, frowning.

“We don’t want that young man here. But, we suppose that it’s just a fling you two are having. So, we’ll back off for now,” her father said, behind him her mother scowled. Her father always was the more reasonable one. Then again, he was getting laid on a regular by his beautiful young secretary. Her mother didn’t know but, she sure did. That was probably why her father was trying to give her what she wanted.

“Right. Chucky is not a fling but, thank you Daddy,” Tiffany said, shoving her feet into her black combat boots.

“Why do you have to dress like that?” her mother asked, eyeing Tiffany’s outfit.

She was wearing a tight black miniskirt, a dark purple tank top and a black jacket. “I like dressing like this mother. I’m going out to meet Chucky. Bye,” Tiffany replied, leaving before either of them had a chance to say a thing.

Tiffany walked to the diner, she could have taken her new car but, she felt like clearing her head. Chucky seemed a little distant this morning. She shook her head, trying not to over think things. He’d told her he loved her and she believed it. When she got there, Chucky was sitting at their usual table, he looked preoccupied, and that worried her. He looked up and their eyes met.

He smiled at her so amazingly that she’d forgotten what she was worried about. “Hiya Tiff,” he said, standing up and pulling her against him.

“Hi Chucky,” she said, and he kissed her.

For the moment, everything was peachy.

A/N: I went to a showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show last night. I really love that movie. Anyway, hope you liked this chapter. Stay tuned for more.

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