Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

He undressed her slowly, careful not to hurt her. He kissed her passionatelyrunning his fingers through her long jet black hair, his lips melding to hers as he caressed her softly. His kisses were so intoxicating, his body felt warm against hers, his small patch of chest hair tickled her bare breasts making her smile against his lips.

Chucky pulled away slightly, his blue eyes delving deep into her. "Are you sure you want this?" he asked, softly. He stroked her dark hair softly as she gazed lovingly at him. She wanted this, wanted him. She knew in her heart that he was the only one for her.

"Yes, please make love to me Chucky," Tiffany answered, making him smile again. He kissed her passionately, as he slowly slid into her. She moaned in pain for a moment, it hurt but, after a few slow thrusts, it felt good, he felt so amazing inside of her. The weight and warmth of his body was just wonderful.

His low breathing and soft groans, made it all the better, as she moved with him, their bodies joined, just as their hearts were. Tiffany knew she made the right decision, she loved Chucky and she gave all of herself to him, it was perfect, and she knew that they would always be together, forever.

They made love for a long time when they finally came together. Tiffany had never felt that way, she was so in love and Chucky was perfect. So perfect. "I love you so much, Chucky," Tiffany said, lovingly. Chucky stared at her for a moment, he loved how she felt around him, Tiffany was so beautiful, her little beauty mark above her lip made him smile again. “What is it Chucky?” she asked, looking worried. Chucky was silent for a moment longer and he pulled her closer so that her head rested against his chest before he replied.

"I love you too Tiff," Chucky said, kissing the top of her head before the two of them fell asleep.

"No! No mommy! NO!" Chucky cried out, waking Tiffany. He thrashed around violently, his agonized and frightened screams pierced the quiet and darkness. Tiffany sat up and cupped his face with her hands. “Please stop mommy! PLEASE I’LL BE GOOD MOMMY I PROMISE!” he continued to scream, his fist collided with Tiffany’s lip and jaw, causing her to cry out in more shock than pain. There would definitely be a bruise there tomorrow. She bled a bit too but, for now she had to get Chucky to wake up, to help him so she ignored the pain in her face.

“Chucky! Chucky, it’s Tiffany. Please wake up,” she said, in a soothing yet slightly loud voice as she tried to wake him. She let him go as his body went still, she almost cried, what was happening?

 His eyes snapped open, and his body was sheathed in a light veil of cold sweat. He looked frightened and for a moment he seemed unaware of his surroundings. His eyes found Tiffany and he visibly relaxed. "Tiff…I’m sorry…I uh..sometimes I have nightmares," he muttered quietly. His blue eyes snapped to her bleeding lip and he cringed. “I did that didn’t I? I’m so sorry Tiff, you know I’d never hurt nightmares can get pretty crazy…” he trailed away, he looked ashamed.

"It's okay Chucky, I'm here. You're safe," Tiffany answered, sitting up. Chucky sighed and laid his head in Tiffany's lap. She stroked his hair softly and snuggled up close with him. "I love you so much Chucky.." Tiffany whispered, silently glad that her parents were passed out from the booze they ingest every night. Fucking alcoholic snobs. Tiffany stroked his long auburn hair again and hummed a song for him until she could hear his light snores. That night despite that little scare, she slept with her love in her arms, there had never been a more perfect moment.

A/N: I’ve recently re-watched Bride of Chucky, my favorite parts are always the ones with Chucky and Tiffany. Jesse and Jade? Not so so much, unless Chucky and Tiff make an appearance. The commentary with the amazing Brad Dourif and Jennifer Tilly and the others though, that’s awesome. There was so much chemistry between them. And maybe I’m crazy but, Brad Dourif has a sexy voice.

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