Physical Flaws To Add TO Any Character

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.  Dirty/chewed finger nails

.  Blemished skin

.  Chipped nail polish on fingers/toes

.  Chipped tooth/teeth

.  Errant curls/hair that won't stay down no matter what you do to them

.  Unruly eyebrows

.  Sweats easily

.  Fidgets constantly/ can never sit still

.  Blinks often

.  Grinds teeth

.  Gap in their teeth/crooked teeth

.  Chapped lips

.  Dry skin

.  Skin is red/ irritated

.  Acne on cheeks, forehead, chin

.  Dark under eye circles

.  Eyebrow scar

.  Uneven dimples

.  Hair birthmark

.  Long toes and/or short fingers

.  Patchy skin

.  Veiny hands/arms

.  Chin hairs

.  Large teeth/small teeth

.  Broken/crooked nose

.  Yellow teeth

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