Vik clasps the man's hand in his own, and is surprised to be greeted by a relatively firm grip. It's clear Josh didn't do it intentionally, but he's defying so many of the gay stereotypes Vik's been taught, had drummed into him to avoid over the years.

When they've moved away again, Josh's arm comes to rest around Simon's waist, casually, the taller man smiling smugly as he does so. It's as if it's the most natural thing in the world, and judging by the lack of reaction from Harry or Tobi, it is. "Simon's not usually this clingy, but he gets like this whenever there's a new guy. Or new gay, should I say."

"The fuck are you talking about, Josh? He's always like this with you." The loud blue-eyed boy from earlier stands at the bottom of the stairs behind the two. "I'm Ethan, by the way."

"Um, it's nice to meet you?" Vik's response is unsure, there's been a lot of people to meet in such a short space of time. He's not used to being accepted by such a large group of people, and such a diverse one at that. "I'm sorry, the number of people is a bit overwhelming."

Josh laughs, "you haven't even met the most overwhelming of our little family yet, there's still two more to come."

Suddenly, the bell above the door rings again, as two more people fall into the building. One of them is a fairly tall black man, and the other a smaller brunette white woman, with a guitar case sling over her shoulder.

"Weird to see everyone here, are we late?" The girl asks, tilting her head askew.

"No, no. Tobi found a newbie." Harry informs her, from his place atop a book stand, swinging his legs with his arms folded.

"Oh?" She turns to face the main cluster of her friends, seeking out the new face, walking towards him and embracing him in a hug. Vik figures it'll take a while to get used to the outward affection. "Welcome to the fruit basket."

"For fuck's sake, Sarah. You can't call it that."

"Why not? You're all gay men, so you're fruits, and basket means the bulge of your cock through your trousers. You're all blokes, so why not?... Oh shit. Is he so? I'm so sorry if you're not."

"No, I am, don't worry. I'm Vik."


"Also Sarah, we're not all fruits," Simon points out, "remember JJ's straight."

"Alright, but he doesn't count."

"Fuck you too, Sarah." The tall black man, apparently called JJ replies. Now Vik assumes he's met everyone, he feels like he can relax a little bit. No one else is going to jump out of nowhere at him.

"So, Sarah. Did you manage to make any money busking today?"

"£5." She slaps down a few pound coins on the table, and high-5s Ethan, dumping her guitar case beside the stairs.

"Anyway, why've we got a newbie? Tobi met you out cottaging?" Simon's hand reaches out to slap her lightly upside the head, Tobi looking at him gratefully.

"Nah, he was at the march. Figures he can help us out, find us a community to twin with. He's from a miner's background."

"Well, I'm not technically, I've just grown up around a lot of them, so I sort of know how to deal with them. I'd also know how to pen a letter and stuff to them, try and get us on a better side with them?"

Sarah turns away from him, and Vik's temporarily worried, before she announces. "I like this one. He can stay, he's cute."

"Don't worry, she's a lesbian." Tobi's voice comes quietly into his ear, "I could tell you weren't comfortable with that."

"Alright, are you lot going to head upstairs to plan? I've got some books to unload out the back, and Simon's on the till."

"If that's some weird euphemism, I don't want to know."

"Piss off, Ethan. Let us know what you come up with. See you later, terrier." Josh says the last part looking directly at Vik. There's slight confusion on everyone's face. "What, he's from Yorkshire, and he's new. He needs a nickname. Terrier."

"Well, he does seem like a bitch."

"Harry!" At least 4 synchronised voices call out at him, as he hops down from his seat.

"Alright, alright. I'm not totally fine with him, I've got to see what he can do. If he's all bark and no bite, if we're going by Josh's shitty nickname."

"I like it!"

"Of course you do, Simon."

Author's Notes
Fruit, basket and bitch are all parts of Polari/gay slang, which could have been used in the 80s. Sarah totally strikes me as the sort of person to be reading up on slang and trying to talk in it, or make jokes of it.

Cottaging is when you either go to a public toilet looking for gay sex, or actually have said sex in a public loo lmao.

I had a great time writing this chapter tbh, it's nice to have more people to write with, and I'm letting you guys speculate on who's saying some of the lines because it feels a bit more fun, to be honest.

This book feels like it'll be a fun one, although I know it's not really as in depth as Caring for Carers was, but hey, we're only on the second chapter (and I've actually got a plan for this, wow).

You got a cheeky bit of minizerk in this as well, they'll be a prominent feature for a lot of it, to be honest, as established mum and dad.


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