"Come on," said Juliana to Connor, walking towards the medium-sized, institutional blue school hall. "If we don't get going our lord and saviour here is going to turn into the Hulk during the assembly."

"I've got to go and see my Physics teacher about yesterday's homework," said Connor as he picked up his bag and walked in the other direction to the teacher's office, "I'll see you two later."

Juliana shrugged and entered the school hall. Connor smiled and turned his back to continue walking. I picked up my bag and dashed towards him.

"By the way dude, I want to say thanks," I said.

"What for?" Connor asked with a Christopher Walken-esque expression.

"Knowing that you, my best friend, still believes in me." I smiled.

Connor laughed, and said, "You've got to slow down on that mushy stuff, dude. I think you're high on something."

Connor patted my back a few times as my bag fell onto the floor. He laughed as he walked away.

I picked up my bag and walked towards the school hall. Knowing that Connor still believed me made my day and gave me a little strength to do the hardest job of the morning- handling the morning school assemblies.


"Good morning everyone," I said with a voice that was neither strict nor lenient, "The assembly's going to start in a few minutes. Keep quiet."

And as usual, no one even bothered to give a damn about what I was saying.

In case you wondered why a school in this day and age was still stuck in the 1970s when it came to school assemblies, well it's because my school, Wellesley Secondary School apparently wanted us to be "well-behaved, respectful teenagers that would make the nation proud."

It did sound extremely stupid to me, especially when I had been elected as the Deputy Head Prefect five months ago. But being able to yell at people for no good reason was something I'd always wanted to do. That was pretty much the reason that made me sign up.

"Hey, you back there! Keep quiet!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. The very same guy showed me a middle finger, and so did countless other students as well.

"Keep quiet you ass! Your voice is so annoying!" yelled a student.

"Shut up!" I started yelling in a voice full of anger. For some reason, today's assembly was a challenge to control. I started to look around to see all the students talking to their friends, blissfully unaware of my instructions.

And that was when I first saw Rhett Evans.

He was the ultimate definition of a  cute, 16-year old teenager. With a face resembling Chad Michael Murray in A Cinderella Story, my eyes were instantly attracted to his fair and light-toned face. And his lips too- he was probably the first boy I knew to have clear, pink lips like an anime character.

I felt a little strange looking at him because he was the first guy to make me feel like this. But for some reason, Rhett was attractive to me.

Rhett suddenly realized I was staring at him. Our eyes met- and he smiled at me, probably admiring the way I was handling assembly. I smiled back at him, and at that very same time, I felt a strange sensation in my pants.

However, I had no time to gloss over the fact that a guy had given me an erection- for the teachers entered the school hall and I scrambled to control the situation and noise level in the hall.

"Alright everyone, KEEP QUIET!" I yelled with the newfound strength I had acquired from seeing Rhett. And at last, it worked- for the entire hall, including Rhett, fell silent. My eyes fell on Rhett once again, and I smiled at him. He smiled at me too.

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